I have a problem with chronic lateness to work. I've had it for years. Like, two decades or longer. I don't know when it started, exactly. But no matter what time I set my alarm, no matter how I get prepared the night before, I'm always getting to work just under the wire.

It's no secret that I've never liked most of my jobs--but I was even late to the ones I DID like. I don't have a huge beauty routine or anything I have to do in the morning. Maybe it's sitting and talking with Spouse that does it. Or sometimes I'll take a few minutes and look at birds on the Cornell Cams. I'll confess I sometimes have "potty issues" (without going into TMI) that interrupt my routine.

But, like, how early do I have to get up before work in order to get there on time? I get up 3 hours before start time. Is this some deep psych issue, do you think? How early do you get up? Any thoughts/advice on breaking a decades-long habit?