Quote Originally Posted by Alan View Post
Well then can you verbalize exactly what makes you feel threatened?
Disrespect for anyone who doesn't fit in with his narrative. The transgendered military issue. His over the top lack of filter and of verbal impulse control - his alienation of other countries formerly considered warm allies of the US (how this last fits in as I learned from Holocaust survivors and from my own Mother) - when a political figure goes over the top in any way shape or form repeatedly, trust nothing and have bags packed and cash saved to run and be prepped to run at a moment's notice. Having former allies hate the US does diminish running options (though this last one is certainly not gay specific).

Fear of an overturn of the legality of same sex marriage and fear of the wear and tear on myself fighting this would mean - and I would drop everything and dedicate my life to the fight against this should such happen - both for moral and ethical reasons, and also for a better shot at political asylum elsewhere. Yes, that's right, just seeing an image of Donald J Trump or even hearing him speak makes me wonder if my life is to soon be uprooted and if so, how can I work it so there's the best moral, ethical, and practical outcome? Your President, not mine, truly is that disliked and feared by a large swatch of America. Rob