I am looking back and I think my grandfather was like me, bipolar 2. He had amazing projects. He started once with a lakeside cottage that was basically a fishing shack. By himself mostly he kept building until it was a nice house. Then each house they had would start off with a porch, he would enclose it to make a pool room, then he would need a porch so he would build a porch. Then they would get a new house in the same town and start over.

His last project was a Christmas tree farm. He got it and planted all the trees, but he started to not be able to manage something like that anymore. So they traded houses and moved back into town.

He was also a charming alcoholic who changed jobs in his field a lot. They moved a lot (traveling salesman).I don't know if he had the depressive times, I assume so. My mom ended up marrying the most stable person ever! My dad had one company he worked for starting in college and stayed with them until he retired. I see that also she gets frustrated with me and my projects at times, but now has been really great about them for the last several years. She actually calls me to make things now and then, the latest was a specific hat.