Yppej, good job on the call.

Tybee, you are learning what works for you. That is good. A small change you can stick to us better than random larger changes.

I’m reading “nony”’s blog backwards. My house has been much worse than hers. I never objected to toys with small parts.

my son used to have his father’s old dresser. When he was in preschool we were talking to his grandmother and the topic of dressers cane up. He said “I don’t have a dresser.” I was embarrassed and asked him “where do you keep your clothes?” And my honest little 4 y.o. said “in my laundry basket.”

yesterday i I did yoga with dh in the morning. He had to work really late and I waited up for him and we spent some tine together talking. (So now i’m very tired - and I have physical work to do today and plans with friends that will keep me out late tonight.)

i threw away some unclaimed projects from my classroom yesterday and returned the borrowed projector to the teacher down the hall (she was hoping I would keep it because she has no storage either and also uses it rarely)

i did the biggest, most daunting school related task while I was waiting for dh to come home.