Manifesting one's true self has triggered some thought.

A speaker at a conference years ago presented the idea that what one was really enthusiastic about at the age of 10 approximately would indicate the key interests in one's life. He had wanted to walk across the Sahara when he was a 10 year-old and finally did it in his 20's. That in turn triggered other challenges and directions.

I think that idea has some merit as I now realize that when I have gone back to those 10-year old's interests, I am content. I am doing most of them even today.
As a 10 year-old, I immigrated and
- wanted my own farm
- was intense about life and curious about the world
- love dogs
- love singing and music
- enjoy being in nature
- need continuous physical activity. Sitting still is not an option.
- don't tell me that "I can't" meaning incapable of doing
- respond to vivid colour in needlework, painting.
- need visual stimulation .

Perhaps another who did not go through a huge change at that age may not remember that time as vividly as I do.