I did not start my by dreads by doing braids: I went to a ladyin Ann Arbor who has a salon called "Grateful Dreads" and she got them started by sectioning off my hair and doing a backcombing and teasing process, then using a crochet hook to wrap loose hairs around the core and hold it really tight. It takes a few months for them to really "lock" up and take, and I had to go back after a few months then just for maintenance. She did a great job initially, so after all these years and making sure I go in at least once a year for maintenance I always get compliments from the new hair person about how well I take care of them - they're clean, and I make sure I take care of any "mergers" (when two braids interconnect and become one thick one. If you don't cut them apart when you find them it can become a big mess later).