Went to a lecture about drinkable water, largely focused on Florida. The speaker was a journalist, John M. Dunn. It was fascinating and I have long believed this is the crisis that is going to make or break the world.

Some good things that are happening: water intensive crops are being abandoned for more water friendly ones in areas they shouldn’t be growing anyway, worldwide. The thousands of dams and water diversions in the US are being looked at to restore natural flow. Research into hydroponics and sustainable agriculture. Use of recycled rain water to water lawns and golf courses. New legislation to allow food growing and native plants on lawns, even front ones. HOA’s cannot restrict this in Florida .
bad things: sewage overflows and improper septic systems. rising sea levels causing fresh water to become brackish. Leaky pipes as infrastructure ages. Legislation rollback that protects our drinking water supply. Many areas of Florida, as well as the rest of the country are bordering on critical shortages. The amount of pharmaceuticals and chemicals from human waste and lawn/farming/industrial chemicals flowing into our supplies from treated water.

On a a bigger scale, more people will become refugees as their local supplies dry up or become contaminated. Water will become more expensive. There is always the danger of terrorism targeting water supplies as well, which may be crazy conspiracy theory stuff, who knows these days.