I have neighbors across the street who own a large Labradoodle. They live in a 1-bedroom apartment and keep him in their very small patio. The poor dog just lays there all day, every day. He is thin, dirty, scraggly, hair is very patchy, showing signs of clumps falling off, and the hair that he does have is overgrown and looks matted and tangled. I know from experience that those knots are very painful for dogs. When I've walked up to say hi to the neighbors, he sweetly and quietly comes to the fencing for me to pet him.
The owners are in very bad physical shape, they have both been taken out in stretchers and ambulances in the past few months. The husband is in a wheelchair having lost his legs to diabetes and the wife is morbidly obese. They have a 7-yr old daughter and a small dog they keep inside the apt. I have never seen them walking the dogs in the 2 years they've lived here.
Yesterday I saw one of the owners in the patio and I went over to him and asked if I could walk their dog and bring him over to my backyard for a play date with my dogs. They know who I am because I helped them find their small dog when it got out a few months ago (the dog was matted, dirty and his back section was covered in matted clumps of feces. I desperately wanted to take it home and bathe it but they were crying with relief at finding it so I just let it go.) Yesterday when I offered to walk them, the owner said, "sure, but not today." I came back and left them a note with my name and number and told them I could go over anytime. They said thanks. Today when I was walking back with my dogs I saw the woman on the patio and I said a cheery hello. She tried to ignore me but I kept waving and she finally said hi. I don't think they will take me up on my offer.
My question is, should I report them to animal services for neglect? If so, how long should I wait before I do it? I want to give them a chance to take me up on my offer, but not wait too long. I feel like I've already waited too long to help the dog. It's hard to talk to the owners because I can't access the building and they hardly ever go in the patio. So I don't even know their address, although I can take animal services to their patio.
If I report them, they will know for sure that it was me and might be angry. But it just breaks my heart every time I walk by and see that poor dog just laying there.