Hello, I thought it would be useful to have a discussion in one thread for the pros and cons, done and undone, promised and coming solutions for climate change.

1. Technical solutions look obvious and necessary.
The overall model of climate change prediction is very complicated and it has a lot of missing data (because of the lack of specific satellites coverage and on-earth probes).

This year scientific-engineering groups have launched more data collection probes to oceans. There is a planned launch of satellites aimed for data CO2 3D atmospheric data collection, simply we don’t have the full understanding of it’s behaviour and exact influence.

2. Global awareness and local actions. Fires, floods and extremely hot weather this year is the fact.
Environmental awareness not only shows growth in the media, but also takes its steps.

Local ecosystems need specific surveillance from space and on earth.
This is the case of ‘the more the better’, when it comes to the complex math models giving leverages for climate control. Driving force for the largest industries and everyday personal life.

3. Energy sources should consider all the possibilities with the pro’s and con’s: solar, wind, tidal, nuclear. On national and international level decisions, proactiveness and the ‘safety first’ consideration.

4 Personal lifestyle. For some extremes we should be ready to go out of our comfort zone, look around and reconsider lifestyle.

Personal contribution, local actions and reports, the technology on a global level.
We already have all we need to work on climate change, do not sit and wait.

5. Education from secondary school till career start should teach the future generations of technology experts ways to develop and control the most influential areas: power source, space, communication industries (as space placements in industry).