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Thread: Stocking up for WWIII?

  1. #11
    Senior Member JaneV2.0's Avatar
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    Jan 2011
    Watch prepper videos on YouTube. Turns out I need hybrid seeds.

  2. #12
    Senior Member
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    Jan 2011
    I would hope to perish immediately. we're 70 miles from Washington DC and 11 miles from Camp David so not quite in the immediate perish zone.

  3. #13
    Senior Member
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    Dec 2010
    At this point in my life, I think I would rather be killed than kill, but who knows what will actually happen "in the moment".
    To give pleasure to a single heart by a single act is better than a thousand heads bowing in prayer." Mahatma Gandhi
    Be nice whenever possible. It's always possible. HH Dalai Lama
    In a world where you can be anything - be kind. Unknown

  4. #14
    Senior Member
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    Jan 2020
    Lived my entire life in the instant death zone, so I never think about it. There's no point.

  5. #15
    Senior Member
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    If I were well-stocked with critical supplies to survive the aftermath of a nuclear exchange, I wouldn’t advertise that fact.

  6. #16
    Senior Member
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    While I think we can hold out at home for at least a month or more, I really don't know if we are prepared if we need to leave the house behind. The current grab-n-go bags are more for temporary absence from the home, not long term or forever. How does one prepare for "on the move"?
    To give pleasure to a single heart by a single act is better than a thousand heads bowing in prayer." Mahatma Gandhi
    Be nice whenever possible. It's always possible. HH Dalai Lama
    In a world where you can be anything - be kind. Unknown

  7. #17
    Senior Member
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    Southern Oregon
    Quote Originally Posted by JaneV2.0 View Post
    Watch prepper videos on YouTube. Turns out I need hybrid seeds.

  8. #18
    Senior Member
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    Southern Oregon
    Prepping is always frustrating for me. I live alone (ish). But I eat mostly chicken, eggs and fresh vegetables. Sometimes I get creative and cook up rice or bean dishes. I don't really bake, or use canned foods much. But I keep buying one more thing to add to the prep pantry. But literally, I don't really rotate it. I just don't really eat much of those foods. I probably have 10 packs of pasta, 25 pounds of rice, 10 pounds of flour, 25 pounds of beans, some canned vegetables,(mostly tomatoes) oils and fats, and boxed and canned milk and proteins like tuna and chicken and condiments and sugar. And I just don't go through it. It's frustrating, because it just gets older and older. I don't LIKE canned food. I really don't like canned fruit and really the only vegetables I like canned are corn and tomatoes. I'm not worried about old canned food being good...but it's just...well, it's hard to figure out how much more to do? I also am stashing water. I probably have 50 gallons of bottled water set aside. I have a little camp stove with some butane and a rocket stove and flashlights and batteries. But I just don't use the stuff. Sometimes the little battery powered lanterns just are dead the next time I test them because the batteries die. I've got potatoes growing in pots and lettuce in the garden and packs of seeds, though not a lot of places to grow. I don't have much income, but I've stashed some cash aside also along with some extra pet food. But how do you manage reasonable, rational prepping when you live by yourself? I'm thinking I could live easily if boringly on what I have for a couple of months, maybe less if I shared with someone. But I just can't figure it out. Most of my preps are geared towards a Cascadia event in the PNW. It seems like an easy to measure goal. Something to set my sights on. I think I'm getting close to being safe in that area. But WW3? All I'd be doing would be getting by for while.

  9. #19
    Senior Member
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    Mar 2017
    Interesting postings for today. The entire stock up, unavailable items and such during covid was tiring as with all I am sure. We just spoke at 5am of the what ifs/what we should do more of ifs. Not sure if anything will help and I am so very tired of it all…..I know the world is not tired of tossing it at us though.

  10. #20
    Senior Member
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    Jun 2012
    I guess I need a John Deere tractor, as they are good for hauling tanks.

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