Quote Originally Posted by catherine View Post
As much as I like the idea of this in principle, I'm not sure. "Taking the result and planting a tree"--I simply can't visualize my kids taking a pitchfork to my "compost" I'm a little out there on this stuff, but not THAT out there. I think that's what appeals to me about natural burial. It's a more natural HUMAN option. I can see being wrapped in a shroud and then being put in the earth and the kids can then put a planting on the site. But USING my actual composted remains to fertilize a tree...IDK about that. Although knowing my kids, they would get plenty of good jokes out the experience.

ETA: Another "natural" option. Throw me in the woods and let the animals have at me. JK.
For me, that would be fine. Only not for a tree. Lilies or hydrangeas or peonies, something nice that blooms.