Quote Originally Posted by Iris lily View Post
Yes I can. We can't afford to pay out more. We simply cannot afford it. So, stop giving benefits to new join ups with more than 1 or 2 kids. Fine with me.

And I'm sorry lindi that you will not be on my Scots-American boat steering toward financial responsibility for this country. I'd prefer to keep Californians off the boat anyway but would have made an exception for you!
Well I have been planning to adopt at least 10 kids from China just so that I can increase my Veterans Benefits - I would get extra moolah for each child :-)! Oh, and being that I'm a po' disabled miltary veteran who can't afford to pay for my 10 kids, I of course would be applying for every govmint program there is to support us all. That's my early retirement plan and you're foiling it dern you ;-)!!!! Well I'll come along with you on your voyage, heck I'll even bring my old govmint issued .50 Cal to protect you from those thieving pirates (er.. democrats and Californias alike) out on the high seas to financial independance.