Well, on the landscaping the first thing we have to do is get about a ton of grass seed onto the mountain of dirt we've distributed over a nearly half acre of back yard, then build a retaining wall to separate the higher elevation on the left hand side from the pool. After that, we need to decide on what type of structure or screen to hide the mechanicals (pump, sand filter, electrical panel, heat pump & salt based chlorine generator) from view. The rest of the landscaping will wait till spring but probably consist of container based plants of some kind distributed around the perimeter of concrete decking, or, something completely different if my wife decides so.
No other fencing is required since the entire back yard is surrounded by split rail fencing, you just can't see it very well due to all the plant and tree encroachment from the other side. I'll probably trim a lot of that back over the fall (I've actually been putting that off for some time).