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Thread: tooth paste

  1. #1
    Senior Member jp1's Avatar
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    tooth paste

    A few weeks ago I bought 3 tubes of crest kids' toothpaste. I needed toothpaste and it was on sale for half price, which was a great deal. And it promised SPARKLE FUN! Who doesn't love SPARKLE FUN! when brushing their teeth? I started using it this week and I have to say the SPARKLE FUN! aspect is really disappointing. You can barely see the sparkles. And even worse, it tastes like bubble gum. Because of course kids' toothpaste tastes like bubble gum. I can't wait until I've used it up... I feel like I need to shout "GET OFF MY LAWN! YA DAMN KIDS!" even though we don't have any public facing lawn.

  2. #2
    Senior Member rosarugosa's Avatar
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    Lol, JP. That sounds awful.
    We had toothpaste issues recently too. I have a dedicated container of toothpaste in my travel bag. It's kind of old and doesn't taste too great, but we were soldiering on, because we didn't want to waste it. Then I stopped to consider the absurdity of spending a couple of grand going on vacation, and using crappy toothpaste so as not to waste $3.00, and I decided it was an instance of being cheap rather than frugal. I threw it away and replaced it.

  3. #3
    Senior Member iris lilies's Avatar
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    I don’t have any toothpaste stories, but Sparkle Fun! sounds pretty awful.

  4. #4
    Senior Member jp1's Avatar
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    This is SPARKLE FUN! The sparkle is barely noticeable.
    sparkle fun2.jpg

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    That looks neither sparkly nor fun.

  6. #6
    Senior Member Tradd's Avatar
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    Bubblegum flavor is nasty. I just buy a Crest. Been using it for years.

  7. #7
    Senior Member HappyHiker's Avatar
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    Last week I grabbed a tube of Tom's toothpaste. I like Tom's. This formula said it had activated charcoal. Sounded good--thought it would give me sweet breath.

    Imagine my surprise when I used it for the first time:

    The toothpaste is black.

    Using it gives one a mouthful of black foam!

    Quite off-putting. Not sure I'll keep using it.

    Wasn't cheap and I AM frugal--but black foamy mouth first thing in the morning is odd.
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  8. #8
    Senior Member Rogar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HappyHiker View Post
    Last week I grabbed a tube of Tom's toothpaste. I like Tom's. This formula said it had activated charcoal. Sounded good--thought it would give me sweet breath.

    Imagine my surprise when I used it for the first time:

    The toothpaste is black.

    Using it gives one a mouthful of black foam!
    Ha, ha. I did the same thing. It was on sale and I was surprised, too. I hate discarding things like that as being wasteful, but I think I only made it through half the tube. It didn't discolor my teeth, but reminded me of some trick gum you could buy out of a comic book ad along with itching powder and fake houseflies in an imitation ice cube..
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  9. #9
    Senior Member rosarugosa's Avatar
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    This is being offered on my local Facebook giveaway page. Perhaps nobody likes bubblegum flavored toothpaste!


  10. #10
    Senior Member
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    I've tried some of the child flavored toothpastes as some brands seem to have less weird ingredients than the adult (I am NOT worried about fluoride in toothpaste, just the other junk), but never bubble gum flavor. It doesn't sound very appealing.
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