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Thread: Fall Challenge

  1. #1

    Fall Challenge

    I have some fun things this season:

    1. Use up the rest of my vacation time, leaving just my floaters for inclement winter weather.
    2. Hear more presidential candidates speak.
    3. Celebrate family birthdays and Thanksgiving. This is most challenging for my parents who are limited in their celebrations due to their age and dietary restrictions.
    4. Volunteer for a local candidate - if my favorite makes it out of the mayoral primary for them, otherwise for a council candidate.
    5. Stay on budget at least one of the months to meet my yearly goal of doing so 9 months out of the year. Have only missed one so far, but home heating oil season is upon us.
    6. Try to resolve and wind up the 14 open complaints I have pertaining to the City, starting with one phone call I have scheduled for this afternoon.
    7. Block a planned Communist farm in my city which the organizers want the taxpayers to fund but not let them use if they were born in the US. Yes, truth is stranger than fiction.
    8. Hike every month until the snow flies.

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    Glad you started this, just read your followup on summer and appreciated the closure. Here is my new list:

    1. Participate in family memorial service for Mother next month. This is about 10 things all in one, none of them very pleasant.
    2. Arrange for final resting place for the sets of ashes I have, and get myself a niche at same place.
    3. Record spending every day beginning in October.
    4. Use Everydollar budget thoroughly for one month then evaluate if I like it or want to try a new one.
    5. Follow up with Medical Examiner office and hopefully get report on Mother's death.
    6. Reorganize major storage spaces in house and hopefully get rid of some stuff. But at least know what's in there.
    7. Sell something to start fund for cemetery plots.
    8. Get unclaimed property for estate from out of state.
    Last edited by Tybee; 9-26-23 at 6:01pm.

  3. #3
    What a responsible list, Tybee - not fun things, but taking care of business.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yppej View Post
    What a responsible list, Tybee - not fun things, but taking care of business.
    Yeah, I am definitely in a low-fun time.

  5. #5
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    1. Participate in family memorial service for Mother next month. This is about 10 things all in one, none of them very pleasant. Service is written, with music planned and church and minister booked. Ashes are in ash scattering tubes for what brothers want to do with their part of ashes. One son has ticket so far.
    2. Arrange for final resting place for the sets of ashes I have, and get myself a niche at same place. Finally located a place!!! Yesterday sent paperwork and check into rector. So arrangements are off to a great start, just need to get them there somehow.
    3. Record spending every day beginning in October.
    4. Use Everydollar budget thoroughly for one month then evaluate if I like it or want to try a new one.
    5. Follow up with Medical Examiner office and hopefully get report on Mother's death.
    6. Reorganize major storage spaces in house and hopefully get rid of some stuff. But at least know what's in there.
    7. Sell something to start fund for cemetery plots.
    8. Get unclaimed property for estate from out of state. Sent paperwork off yesterday, so now wait 8 weeks.

  6. #6
    Senior Member iris lilies's Avatar
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    1. In anticipation of my town’s bulk pickup in November, go through this house with DH to identify things for the curb and also for metal recycling

    2. see that DH drives a truck load of metal to the recycler. We usually get $200-$300 for each load

    3. plant lilies, relocate a few of them.

    4. plan and execute table decorations for my town’s Holiday table display fundraiser. I am doing a Grinch themed table this year.

  7. #7
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    A Grinch themed table--how neat!

    I am amazed you get that much for metal recycling. In Michigan when we were clearing out the pole barn we were lucky to get 20 dollars. What on earth do you have?

  8. #8
    Senior Member iris lilies's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tybee View Post
    A Grinch themed table--how neat!

    I am amazed you get that much for metal recycling. In Michigan when we were clearing out the pole barn we were lucky to get 20 dollars. What on earth do you have?
    I really don’t know what DH collects but he showed me the last check and it was over $200. That was for at least six months worth of metal collection, and not for appliances.

    People set out their old appliances in our alley when we lived in the city, and those appliances were gone by noon that same day. There are trucks that troll the alleys just looking for metal scraps, so obviously someone is paying the bucks.

  9. #9
    Senior Member rosarugosa's Avatar
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    I've already done some of the things I would usually list - closet cleanout, cleaning and storing fans, shed cleanout. I also have a lot of really mundane stuff that isn't even interesting enough to list. So here's what I've got:
    1. Do another crafts fair on 12/2
    2. Hire someone to repair or replace a rotted sill in our basement
    3. Meet with attorney regarding Mom's affairs (make sure we have all necessary documents in place, etc.)
    4. Arrange a new "lock box" for Mom's house through the fire dept. We have one through her emergency alert company, but when she accidentally pressed the button for help last weekend, the company did not provide the lock box code when they called 911. Luckily a neighbor saw the FD, went over, and called me and I provided the code. Mom was fine and watching TV, so I'm especially glad they didn't have to break the door down. Fireman told neighbor I can have them install a lock box for which they would have the key.
    5. Declutter linens and bedroom drawers (I already did some clothing drawers when I did the closet, but I want to do a thorough review and cull)
    6. Outdoor seasonal - empty planters, put away hammock, drain & store hoses, etc.

  10. #10
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    We have someone to paint the big shed!!! Not purging, but sprucing up.

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