I don't know why, but I just recently learned that these exist! Spendy, tho.

Do any of you own one, and if so, what do you think?

We've recently moved to a small 55+ neighborhood and do not have a large garden space like we'd had. I had a huge 2-bin compost system and there is no need or space for such here. We left it behind anyway.

But I have a small area, a patio and small garden (mostly flowers) and some pots, etc. A few trees, then large area of woods beyond. I just hate not composting my veggie peels, cores, paper, coffee grounds, etc. So I happened upon these countertop ones, and they seem so very efficient. But not leaping to buy yet. The mention of it caused my hubby to leap up out of his procrastination to say he would build a small bin outdoors, but 1- I just don't see it happening, and 2- we really don't have space for one.