We're not in the path of totality, but close enough. I bought eclipse glasses online several months ago. I plan to pretty much go about my business but I can take a look now and again without burning holes in my retinas. There's no way I could sit and watch the sun and the moon for 2 hours; I have stuff to do and I would find that pretty tedious. It's actually kind of funny that we've been so happy to have more daylight this time of year, but we are so excited that it's going to get fully dark in the late afternoon. It sounds like it's going to be such a beautiful day too; I'm planning to get out and plant my new hellebores (yellow flowers!) I will need to make sure I get out there before it gets dark! But I do definitely want to check it out. I remember the last one when I was a kid. I was visiting Orton Plantation in NC with my family and it made an impression on me.