I was going to run something by you guys in case anyone here has had experience in this. I post my art on a web site that lets you do that for free. It's a site that specializes in cartoon art, but they also feature graphic designers and illustrators. Contributors are overwhelmingly European. For the past couple years I've been pretty active on their site, getting to know the other artists and posting a lot of stuff and commenting on others' work.

The two entrepreneurs who started the site are German brothers, and they're based in Europe. They're both pretty fluent in English, but occasionally they've asked me to edit some of their press releases and articles for an American readership. I've also done some blogging for their site - they'll ask me to feature a certain artist, so I'll do an analysis of the person's work and add a brief interview with them at the end.

Been doing all this for free, and they're SO nice and they LOVE me, so it's been fun and I haven't had any thought of getting paid. They have plans for a book, so there's a chance my work will be featured. Just seems like good karma stuff going on.

So the other day one of the founders emailed me and said he'd like to me to join their staff - they want to make me an editor, and they also want me to be their US representative. (Not sure what that would mean.) They're working out a deal with an investor, so it sounds like they'll have some capital. I assume that's why they're making me an offer now, because they want to pay me. Otherwise they could have made me an editor before. I want to ask about this tactfully, just not sure how to phrase it.

There are other artist/editors on their site - I was wondering if I should approach them and ask if they're getting compensated. That might make it seem like I'm going behind this guy's back though, so I'm not sure if that's a good move.

Is there anything else you can think of that I should ask this guy, before making a commitment? Any ideas welcome!