Oh is there a melting icon? maybe this

It has been about 100 in Denver daily, I am at a school these 2 weeks with no AC (I am the traveling summer camp team, 2 weeks at each school). I finally got a swamp cooler for inside the house which is making some difference but I am still cranky and hot. I tried last night just opening everything up, didn't get cool. I just took the swamp cooler to my room to try and sleep. When I got up for the bathroom at 3 am the living area was finally in the mid 70's. Now I have the swamp cooler on and all the windows open which is cooling faster than last night (85 at 1030 pm). With the front and back door open I have to stay up and there are bugs. I feel like a pioneer. In fact cooking indoors is over for the foreseeable future. I got out the camp stove to put on the back porch.

I didn't even go to meditations this week which is my summer goal because there is not AC at one of them. I am eating ice cream, sucking on ice cubes, and watching BOND movies because the TV does not give off much heat.

Can I just whine? I just sent an apology email because I have been cranky to a work person, at least I realized it. And maybe when it is just down to my son and I then I will rent a small apartment with AC. Whine officially over!