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Thread: Pink Lemonade - Any other facts you were expecting to be wholesome?

  1. #1
    Senior Member mtnlaurel's Avatar
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    Jan 2011

    Pink Lemonade - Any other facts you were expecting to be wholesome?

    I must have woken up especially inquisitive, I have been meaning to look up the origins of Pink Lemonade for ages..... and I finally remembered when I sat down at the computer this morning.

    ...and the story is NOT strawberries being lovingly pressed by happy fulfilled simple farm wives

    I love Pink Lemonade and it is a 'fun' drink to me. In general, I have eradicated chemical filled drinks (to be totally honest, I still have occasional Diet Coke binges when I am off my game). I now make my own lemonade on occasion and have toyed around with idea making homemade pink lemonade sometime.

    Anyway, where I was thinking of going with this post is..... I know there are many lovers & romanticizers of Past Ways here on the board, myself included, and have you ever come across some information that totally doesn't fit what you thought the wholesome explanation was going to be?

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    Jan 2011
    ewwww, I don't know if this is part of what you wanted to talk about but I recall getting into my first part of my 'natural' phase and then visiting my grandmothers. I was talking to them and it was something about wonderful all cotton clothing because my daugther was so sensitive to anything that all cotton was necessary. Well I heard stories of how the old all cotton clothing basically came out of the wash in a lump and even if you stretched it out and line dried it you still had to iron about everything including napkins and boxers. My grandmothers loved things like polyester (at least a blend) and store bought foods. I recall that whenever I want to romanticize the past too much.

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