Tilly's Corner USA
photo by Michele O'Connor

Mindfulness matters!

But wait! First, what is mindfulness?

"Mindfulness is a way to live your life as if it really mattered. And that involves being in the present moment with open-hearted presence and kindness toward yourself."Jon Kabat-Zinn Mindfulness is often defined as "the state of being attentive to and aware of what is taking place in the present." [1] Two critical elements of mindfulness are that:

  • It is intentional (i.e. we are consciously doing it); and
  • We are accepting, rather than judging, of what we notice. [2]

In other words, mindfulness is "openly experiencing what is there." [3]
Why does mindfulness matter?

From Action for Happiness

  • Mindfulness changes our brains - for the better! "Recent research has shown that an 8 week mindfulness meditation class can lead to structural brain changes including increased grey-matter density in the hippocampus, known to be important for learning and memory, and in structures associated with self-awareness, compassion and introspection." — Action for Happiness
  • Mindfulness improves health. Mindfulness lowers blood pressure. Mindfulness can alleviate depression and anxiety. Mindfulness reduces cortisol levels. Mindfulness improves sleep quality.

Tweet this quote: "The inner peace of an alert and calm mind are the source of real happiness and good health." — Dalai Lama XIV - 12/7/2012 on his Facebook page

  • Research shows a number of benefits that mindfulness can have on our cognitive abilities. Mindfulness can improve: memory and cognitive flexibility, attention and ability to concentrate, learning ability, and creative thinking. [4][5]
  • Mindfulness improves psychological functioning. It gives us a fuller awareness of internal and external information, enabling more accurate assessment, more conscious choice and so more flexible, less automatic or impulsive reactions. [12]
  • Mindfulness has been shown to directly increase our levels of life satisfaction and positive emotions. studies have shown that individual levels of mindfulness are associated with increased emotional, psychological and social well-being [3][11][12] and likewise with higher levels of life satisfaction and positive emotions and lower levels of negative emotions. [3] See Mindfulness Plus Compassion Equals Happiness on this blog.
  • Mindfulness can benefit our relationships with others. Training in mindfulness increases empathy and levels of compassion towards others. [4][12] One study has suggested that meditation may potentially have benefits for our ethical behavior and therefore benefit society. [4]

Some Wonderful Special Benefits of Mindfulness

Please continue reading here: http://www.ahhthesimplelife.com/mindfulness-matters/