Steyer and Buttigieg seemed rehearsed, Sanders to a lesser degree (he talked about things like Palestinians that are not rehashes of his stump speeches), Warren still couldn't get traction on let's not sell ambassadorships even from self-proclaimed reformers like Steyer, Biden was boring but less bumbling than in other debates, maybe because the attacks were now focused on Buttigieg. Yang was refreshing - stayed on topic, answered the questions, was specific, and didn't run over his time. I would love to see him debate Trump. Klobuchar made points she has not previously while still sticking to her themes. The two women both said they would ask for forgiveness whereas all five men said they would give a gift, maybe an indication of how we are socialized by gender - women to be agreeable and not offend, men to be confident like they are God's gift, in this case not to women but to the nation.