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Thread: Kondo Project

  1. #11
    My whole house has officially been Kondo'd.

    Next week I start on the garage. I already did one big purging and now it's down to all those things that I want to keep but don't use, don't need. Not looking forward to it. I feel tense just thinking about it.

  2. #12
    Senior Member iris lilies's Avatar
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    Missouri Botanical Gardens is offering a class on Kondoing your garden.

    arghh, I am not ready for that! I am still collecting! I have 32 new iris plants coming this fall and many new lilies. Which reminds me, I need to place my lily order.
    and then, I have to divide iris and daylilies, finding places for the key ones in my gardens and cleaning/grooming the rest to give away.

  3. #13
    Senior Member iris lilies's Avatar
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    I will say this about Kondoing my garden: i no lnger allow perennials and annials to come up willy nilly and stay. I have no compunction about pulling out plants that are not invited or welcome in one place. That at leqst s one step toward order in the garden.

  4. #14
    Got $9.00 for some of the old DVDs. Threw out a few so trashy I figure the library would not want them and I will see about donating the rest that have no resale value to them.

  5. #15
    Senior Member rosarugosa's Avatar
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    I filled a 40 lb kitty litter box (my decluttering unit of measurement, lol) with miscellaneous glassware to be donated. There were some little dishes I was vacillating about, and DH said, "keep them, they give me joy!" Hehe, so he is actually listening to me on occasion!

  6. #16
    It's great that he is onboard.

  7. #17
    Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chicken lady View Post
    My dh always says "I'm using it to store air. I like to have a lot of air in the house."
    This is really funny. And actually kind of true. I am going to steal that line.

  8. #18
    Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Geila View Post
    My whole house has officially been Kondo'd.
    Wow! I'm impressed. I have not completely finished--kind of petered out in the miscellaneous categories and never got to memorabilia. I even cut down on some of the kids toys a while back, but we still have too much of that.

    But a few months ago, I sorted through all sorts of kids papers and things that I had kept from previous school years. I got rid of a ton and kept things that they wanted to save. I got them each their own accordion type file folder/cabinet thing and saved about 1 or 2 dozen pages for each school year. Freed up a ton of space!

    Last night I sorted some school clothes. I put my older son's shorts and pants that he'd outgrown into labeled shoebox size tupperware with tops. Saving them for when my younger son is big enough to wear them. They had just been thrown in a basket in the closet in their room. Now they're neatly stored on the top shelf of that closet, out of the way.
    I started talking to the kids about maybe doing a "toy vacation"--meaning we'd "send the toys on vacation" (i.e., store it out of sight for a few weeks) and let them each keep 10 of their favorites ("dolls" and "legos" would each be one thing), plus 2 stuffed animals each. They actually weren't able to come up with 10 things each. But I have yet to follow through, partly b/c it's physically a lot of work, and we don't have much storage space to speak of, so all of the stuff would end up in my room. But I might tackle that in the next week, since I have some time off coming up.

  9. #19
    I did some purging and organizing things in shoeboxes today. My houseguest left so I am tossing worn items as I will now be using the nice bedding and towels myself that I bought for her visit.

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