I cleaned out a whole drawer of mostly socks. When I buy socks I get 2 or 3 pair the same, so if one gets lost, wears a hole, etc I have others that match it. Well, for the last 3 winters, as I got dressed and ran into thread-bare socks or socks that are too short for my tastes now, I simply threw them into the bottom drawer. (What- ?!? is that the waste basket?! but I have dogs, no waste basket in the bedroom...)

Anyway, I dumped out all socks, from 2 drawers, and carefully matched up pairs, decided which to keep, and put all the others- about 3/4 of them! into a bag for give away. I also tossed the 3 tee shirts that were in there. I have an entire empty drawer now! (I need to take a good look at clothes again, I retired last June, and I know there are things in my closet that I haven't worn in 3 years now. As soon as the weather finished changing, I will get into that project.)