View Full Version : Health & Health Care
- A special get well wish to all those in need.
- Exercise Once a Month (January)
- Yoga videos
- Foot stress fracture and shoes
- living out a childhood dream
- Holy Bozo locks, batman.
- Anyone use salba for cholesterol reduction?
- "Rheumatoid Factor" 618 ???!
- stress, fatique, depression, surgery and sickness
- News from HoosierNan
- Carbs, Nutrition and
- Anyone else have this?
- Why are we so sick?
- Medical marijuana
- Osteoarthritis
- Any word on WJSimon?
- Vegan DD with GI problems
- Vitamins and supplements?
- Simple feminine hygeine - help!
- Stroke.
- Walk this way
- Weight Watchers?
- Seeking some good standing-up shoes
- Sniffly Thoughts...
- Tips for Dealing with Edema?
- Racoon Eyes...
- Emphysema.
- Trying to kick the sweets habit
- Wisdom Teeth
- Wisdom Teeth
- kick the sweets or drop your sugar intake II sharing/support center
- Healthcare Tourism
- Husband's uncle is now officially a centenarian!
- Donating Blood & almost fainting
- New burn treatment
- Blood Sugar Meter Question
- Radiation, Tests, and Specialists: How Much Is Too Much?
- Input Needed From Allergy Sufferers
- How to use up bottle of Magnesium tablets (500 mg)
- I took the 'real age' test
- encouraging depression treatment in a teen
- Cheapo eye care
- Letting go of perfectionism
- post pregnancy exzema
- cracked heals! ugh
- foot, leg cramps
- Lactose-intolerance and butter
- simple remedy for "full" ear feeling? cant hear well?
- How to deal with age? Turning 30.
- The People's Pharmacy
- allergic to frugal soap
- Gluten intolerance really does exist
- darn headaches
- How to improve memory of words?
- Success at Improving Posture
- Napping!
- Improving your health by going wheat free.
- Lipstick from long-ago
- fructose intolerance
- Let me Gross you out...
- Osteoarthritis pain
- Running strategies for avoiding injury
- Incorporating exercise into daily life
- Accupuncture
- Can anyone giveme some information about ovarian cancer?
- Extreme dizziness when turning over in bed.
- HFCS: Am I being too simplistic, or am I stating the obvious?
- Caffeine Withdrawal Question
- thinning hair
- Yoga and injury
- Experience Valley Childbirth Ad Campaign
- Video: Family Practice
- BloodSTOP hemostatic gauze/veterinary
- On Partnership and Potatoes
- tendinosis of the shoulder!
- Spinal Fusion
- Links to good basic strength-building weight routine
- Question for women re: pads for bladder control problems
- Digital Mammography
- electric toothbrushes -- opinions?
- Wierd and very painful joints
- Broke my toe!
- Eat something salty and chill
- Stress reducers?
- Weird swelling and redness of finger
- Yogurt and tons of gas?
- How's your shoulder doing Earthshepherd?
- Pain Medication During Childbirth
- Ever had MILD food poisoning
- Movie - Forks over Knives
- Sudden worsening of all pains and arthritis.
- Heartburn
- Zija
- Healthgoal/ challenge updates
- P90X
- Health/Wellness Support for June
- Statins and Blood-Pressure Lowering Meds a Con?
- Ever heard of this weird symptom.
- Piriformis syndrome / sciatica
- Rhythmically Challenged?
- Tiam, how are you?
- apple cider vinegar
- Year of No Doc
- Natural menopause....
- Anti-cancer diet?
- Question about Sonocare Electric Toothbrush
- Unbelievable experience! Sorta long.
- Books for mild depression, low self esteem
- Plants that clean the air
- Ankylosing Spondylitis
- WARNING - seriously personal and embarrassing topic
- unexplained fever?
- Ridiculous doc visit
- Feeling less radical now.....
- Treadmill & standing desk
- I am off my B.P. meds!
- Back Surgery
- If you had diabetes would you....?
- Vitamin D
- Live Long & Prosper?
- Fleghm question - TMI, maybe
- Self image
- Children with cancer
- still sick
- Getting chlorine out of hair.
- Come in EarthShepherd..........
- Sciatica Tips Anyone
- Use Food To Lower Cholesterol
- Effective alternatives to pseudoephredrine-containing allergy meds?
- scars
- Asthma, anxiety, ER, ER bill, what a racket! Is it reasonable?
- hospitals are dumping the uninsured
- The strangeness of migraine auras
- Reflexology
- Cosmetic surgury to look younger?
- On vacation this summer I noticed I am a little germophobic
- Looking younger without cosmetic surgery--face cream!
- For someone who dreams of running again one day
- my bad DR visit
- How to live a long life
- Women who have lips enlarged
- Wart on my lip???
- My arm is going numb
- Excellent stretch for Lower back pain
- Yoga advice please.
- better DR appointment
- Depression
- Natural anti inflammatories list
- I am so not gonna get old
- The sciatica stretch that most helped me
- UTI in older people
- C Diff
- Menpause Question For The ladies
- Intermittant pains everywhere. Guess its my fibro?
- DH says he caught viris from the dogs
- Simplest ways to cut sodium from diet--Meniere's disease
- Heart Attack proofing yourself..."The Last Heart Attack" CNN
- Sleep
- Wellness Report
- Hot Flashes
- Careington
- mercury fillings from teeth
- Maybe its just the Fall
- What do you do to improve your immune system?
- Skin Care at Fifty, oh boy!
- Mononucleosis
- What would your 3 questions be for health?
- Morton's toe?
- Flu shots -- are you going to get one?
- Question about teeth and braces
- Anyone have psoriatic arthritis?
- New recommendations on PSA tests
- Estrogen and animal products (long)
- Does this happen to you?
- Reading problem
- Nasty Mean Hay Fever
- Eye has been twitching x 3 wk
- Breast & Prostate Cancer Testing: NYT Op-Ed
- At Home Lat Pulldown/Leg Curl/Extension
- Stress: Portrait of a Killer
- Where did Tylenol go?
- Walk in baths
- Do you have aches that are like a barometer?
- Colon cancer and bacteria
- Gastroparesis/Vagus nerve dysfunction
- GERD: wedge pillow or bed riser?
- Going to give the bed a try again.
- Question about memory foam
- steps at work
- Health problems, doctor/test phobia and high deductible whine
- sick from top to bottom?
- A visit to the dentist today...
- Activia
- Turmeric for Joint Pain
- Cutting back on eating.........lots of energy!
- Anyone drink Aloe Vera juice?
- 3 Self Help Methods to Stop Panic Attacks
- 30 Day Challenge
- Best Free Online Fitness Videos?
- How to have a good MRI
- Sugar, sugar, sugar!
- OMG........weights for the vagina!
- Sometimes I just can't sleep
- ADD and procrastination
- any relaxing music free online radio stations?
- Had my abdominal ultrasound, but.....
- Letting go
- orthopedic pillows
- Does anyone TAKE anything to help them sleep
- Essential Oils?
- New mattress time - what works?
- Cut eating in weight loss. :(
- Nutritional therapy documentary
- NO Pills?!
- Baby aspirin for dogs
- DH got food poisoning...
- Top 20 Herbs for Home Pharmacy Garden
- Salt question
- Posture help
- What I have learned about stress
- What do you know about SVT
- earache coming on
- Low cholesterol--the downside
- can you recommend a beginner's yoga dvd
- Anybody take magnesium?
- My Doctor's Visit
- Article about docs making money off of medicines they prescribe for you
- for those with GERD, a question
- Up on skis
- Facial hair removal methods for women?
- I know its just playing to the TV audience, but this is just WRONG IMO
- Results of bloodwork
- Get that Great 1932 Posture!
- Are you Paleo?
- Let's talk nasal irrigation
- Getting Sick from Restaurants
- Oh Difficult December . . .
- A very unusual gift
- Zumba?
- Probiotics
- doing a brief south beach style/perimenopause
- Arthritis/Pain relief question
- Polymyalgia Rheumatica and Giant Cell Artiritis
- When eating almonds?
- SodaStream
- Repetive Motion SOLUTION!!!!
- Surviving Antidepressants
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