View Full Version : Organizing Your Life
- Organizing Christmas stuff/things...
- New Year's chore, a household tradition
- Getting organized a day at a time.
- Projects for the New Year.
- could you again share how you organize your to do lists;
- I have a desk/work area
- Selling some antiques- how to do this?
- Getting rid of more.....
- this family photos project is gonna kill me
- Getting Things Done
- Are Digital Copies Legit?
- Where do you hide stuff?
- Decluttering and Christmas
- so, how are you labeling images on a CD?
- Routines!
- How do you fix "overwhelmed"?
- Tossing crap
- next layer of purge, gearing up
- Homemaking Inspirational Book Ideas Wanted
- More 100 Things Counts
- The UN-birthday present
- Continuing to clean out...........
- My grandmothers tea cups---don't want anymore
- Keep or get rid of Encylopedia Brittanica?
- getting rid of clothing
- Old Child's Dish Sets: What to do?
- What to do with old electric typewriters?
- Panic after giving stuff away..............
- latest and greatest idea for CD's and DVD's
- Time Management: What should you be doing right now?
- I found the paperwork,
- Whoohoo! Have gotten rid of hundreds of VHS tapes!
- Cat hair on furniture solution
- Clutter and roommates?
- Japan - a wake up call
- Do you wear a "uniform"?
- Getting burned smell out of microwave -- thoughts?
- so tired of free t-shirts
- Writing down lists of things
- Apartment Therapy
- Yard Sale - Worth It?
- A Bit At A Time
- Just 15 Minutes
- 100 Items/Spring Fling
- Downsizing Boomers Looking to Sell Their Stuff
- Wah hoo! I found "Priorities!"
- Stuff and it's attached drama- releasing it
- How lazy are you on Saturday mornings?
- Dual Purpose Glasses?
- Big Re-organizing
- Organizing camping things
- I'm not a hoarder! ... am I?
- Digitizing a Music Collection
- old mortgage papers
- How Do You Clean/Disinfect Your Laptop?
- Is it always good to get rid of stuff?
- Those who are organized - cursed!
- On letting go
- Forgive... but how?
- Decluttering LP's -- suggestions?
- Organizing resources
- Adventures in Freebies
- Disastrous Stain on Couch - Help!
- Decluttering and Moving
- Email Clutter
- Do you EVER have regret for getting rid of something???
- so it started with just cleaning out the car, ....
- The last time I saw that car title...
- Cleaning wax out of car seats?
- Our eBay Room
- Fawn's 100 Things
- Organizing as a couple
- Choosing 6 clothing items for the SIOL challenge
- Organizing using the computer
- Aversion to list making?
- Extreme Anxiety about Dirty and Messy House (longish)
- 5 a day challenge
- High efficiency front loading washers
- two simple changes
- Any experiences with auctioneers/consigning pieces? (Long, with rambling)
- Renting Carpet Cleaner Machine
- Money here, money there, money everywhere...?
- Happy camper :)
- Getting the musty smell out of an old book
- Scanning paper files
- Stupid tasks of hobby groups
- if moving and what i would keep
- Cleaning service/Domestic help
- Family Heirlooms That You Have Decluttered
- Rubbermaid Roughneck Garbage Can---donate?
- Easiest, simplest way to deal with grown daughter's stuff?
- validated...
- Laminated lists?
- Found time
- Tradd's tutorial for selling on Amazon (books, CDs, DVDs)
- Ladies - handbags/purses/backpacks, what do you use?
- Where to buy nice good looking box of greeting cards for bdays, thank you,congrats
- Simplifying Travel Cosmetics
- Your best tips for working parents
- donated the wedding dress
- Computer saved me hauling this stuff home...
- Pareto Principle (the 80/20 rule)
- Using a move to help declutter our lives
- really, I stored that?
- October 100 Items
- Dishes?
- hit some sadness in decluttering
- Organizing Holiday Stuff
- How much can a person do?
- Where does all this stuff come from? Yikes.
- Surprising realization about the necessity of having company now and then.
- What to take to the extended stay?
- another layer in the kitchebn
- another layer? photos and storage
- planned random organization
- November Decluttering
- another box of photos, you ARE kidding me
- hand washing dishes
- Bed size
- Hiring a teen to help out
- December Decluttering
- did I tell you? 15 lbs
- All those class print outs!
- Creative householder tips
- Coats & jackets
- cat box/litter issues
- Time management
- Clear glassware--why can't I get it clean???!!!!!!!
- Lost my moleskine notebook!
- anyone doing the post christmas purge/clean?
- Fell for phishing scam what now?
- decluttering the big stuff
- Minimalism and the closet/wardrobe
- Put my sewing machine up for sale
- My temp move and more minimal now
- January Decluttering
- Finally cleaning out kids' school papers from 20 years ago!
- 3 day weekend work
- Considering uniforms
- I am so gross. (Or, cleaning only when you have to!)
- Nothing like mice to motivate cleaning out!
- Separation anxiety when giving things away
- the anti-hoarder thread
- I Decluttered my Hair
- Down-sized or Decluttered with Kids?
- 333 Clothes Project - 1 month update
- Beginning to think about moving south in 2-3 years
- How many have moved a long distance with only what you could fit in your car?
- Google history
- Obsessive little details that drive you nuts
- Cat issues, no hope in sight!
- Creative solutions for a REUSABLE *Easter* basket?
- Getting Things Done
- the back porch!
- Cleaning floors with Trader Joe's liquid castile soap
- Lazy Habits - What motivates you to get organized
- Organizing and Cleaning Garden Tools
- How much of it is the people around us?
- organizing a bit at a time
- I'm ready
- For Photo Organization....
- My radical idea for de-cluttering my bathroom?
- I took back my Android phone and got a simple no fuss phone~
- JCP monthly catalogs
- Reformed Clutterbugs--are you out there?
- May Decluttering
- I love my lamb's wool duster!
- Organizing cords, cables, headsets, etc?
- What documents do you keep and for how long?
- What do you do with old software?
- cleaning rubber flip-flops
- Living room refresh
- what to do with old TV cabinets?
- June Decluttering
- Girl stuff (mostly) - accessories
- How to (almost) burn down your house with clutter
- Fawn's 2012 Count
- Sometimes the simplest things are the best...
- What would you do with these clothes?
- Downsizing or Decluttering--Without Kids!
- what to do with mom's old collection
- thanks to the person who recommended 365 less things
- E-readers
- ReOrganizing the Schedule to be able to Organize so that one can be Organized!
- Downsizing Board Game Collection - Post Kids
- How do people learn to organize and clean?
- Strategy for regaining organization of a home
- Hoarding humor
- Decluttering with My Family: Photos and Ziploc Bags
- Barnyard aka driveway declutter!
- *Sigh*..At times it feels like cycling backwards!
- July Decluttering
- Clutterers Anonymous
- Do you ever feel like you arent' getting anywhere?
- Organizing Files. How long do I keep stuff?
- decluttering v wasting
- Online Decluttering
- 2 minutes to add to a smoother life or more chaos?
- Busy-ness is the new status sysmbol
- How much of work stuff to bring home?
- August Decluttering
- Organizing Files and Papers
- What papers do you keep in a Safe Deposit Box?
- The joys of an empty email inbox and other email organization tips
- Decluttering Journals
- BBC on-line article on the psychology of hoarding and decluttering
- I Declare Phase One...
- White Shirt - issues
- Decluttering Songs
- Appointment Diaries/Calenders - Paper or Electronic?
- "Not too many" items
- I said no!
- Decluttering - Baby Steps versus Giant Leap
- Paper Organizing: Binders and Labels
- Becoming a cave dweller
- Just burned my 40 year old Hippe jean jacket........
- Have you ever successfully eliminated pet urine odor and just plain pet odor?
- de cluttering and re-fi UGH!!
- how do you clean your hairbrushes and combs?
- I feel stuck
- Do I have someone's permission to _______?
- September Decluttering
- No couch in the living room?
- downsizing/decluttering/moving..less is more
- Home Inventory
- Decluttering but Craigslist is not working...
- Scanning my journals is taking too long
- Found a scanning company
- My Hour of Decadance at the Container Store
- Paper calendars/appointment diaries
- The Lure of Holiday Stuff
- Value of and "antique" quilt stand??
- Cutting Back on Email Etiquette
- Cool video about Peter Lawrence, the minimalist
- Do you ever feel regret?
- Moving in with fiance
- October Decluttering
- Organizing Kid's Clothes
- My Accidental Decluttering Strategy
- How To Succesfully Sell Clutter
- Cleaning/purging the inside of dressers!
- Shoes-off living?
- organizing my vast collection of children's books
- When getting rid of things get complicated............
- Things nobody seems to want
- Taking my time back: Time Clutter
- Why do I still have 26 spare pillowcases?
- Curating my life!
- I can justify anything to get out of cleaning
- Facing a huge decluttering project...
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