View Full Version : Personal Finance
- Welcome to the new home of the Simple Living Network forums!
- Max out 457 or Roth IRA?
- Anybody else doing spreadsheets today?
- Two questions on DH inheritance
- The austerity measures! And the numbers. Yikes... true confessions
- Children and Money
- Divvying up savings
- Interesting info on credit card use in different cultures
- How to find a good tax person?
- Need more inspiration and less anxiety
- interest rates, what is possible?
- New job - great money - what to do?
- 2% Social Security tax cut...
- Another savings FX option created this week.... just an option
- We are going to shop for insurance
- Dave Ramsey FPU on Facebook
- Master Information Document
- interest on credit card.
- Any one done their taxes yet?
- What to do with $500k?
- Retirement panic
- What is really hard
- Healthy Money Summit
- How to Double Your Income
- Best way to gt my free credit reports?
- Rental Properties?
- How best to consolidate CC debt ?
- Why Americans Can't Save Money - NY Times
- Question about HELOC and interest rates
- URGH!!! Why are prices going up on everything?
- why keep the house?
- Anyone do TAXES 100% BY HAND?
- Capital gains tax?
- Early retirees and Health Insurance
- how often do you get really scared
- Cashing in savings bonds
- How much do you have to have, to have 'enough?'
- student loan forgiveness programs
- Being able to deduct savings bonds from taxes for education?
- Spent
- Got Rid of Credit Card!
- Another credit card bit the dust.....
- "You can pay it out."
- $4,000 unexpected windfall. what to do with it?
- No good deed goes unpunished........a vent
- You be Suze Orman
- Best Free Personal/Business Accounting software
- Comprehensive insight into the collapse of- mortgage/housing crisis.
- Question about investing
- "...but we HAVE to have a phone number."
- Forget Harvard and a 4-Year Degree, You Can Make More as a Plumber in the Long Run
- life without a credit card
- Trying to help dd with home loan
- How Much Does a Six Figure Income COST ?
- Good finance books? What brokerage do you use?
- do other single parents?
- large gold purchase - what does it mean?
- I'm just not a risk taker
- Financial ignorance comes at a large price
- Bond Investing
- Attn: lhamo
- Investing Like a Trout
- The Zero-sum Nature of Investing?
- A Write-up of a Chapter 11 Workout
- Applying Game-Theory to Investing
- The Premium for Treasury Zeros
- Wrong Way To Handle Money - (Stories)
- Delicate approach that drove me nuts
- so excited!
- Woohoo!! Last student loan GONE!
- Does anyone do ING subaccounts?
- tiny step forward
- Dying Broke? Or donating to charity?
- The Unretirement
- Online Financial Management-anyone do these?
- Question about cashing Canadian check
- Question about auto insurance LIMITS
- How long do you keep documents of deceased?
- Bank Fees!
- Does anyone NOT invest?
- Happy dance -- the end is near!
- Check out this guy's blog...
- No More Free Checking? Confusing Bank Letter.
- the mortgage question again
- Soooo frustrated with bank - holding a deposit
- Hypothetical Scenario: 100k, no debt - biz dwindling - what would you do?
- Time to buy that second home?
- hospital wants ALL my info
- so frustrated over getting through systems
- No brick and mortar bank?
- what would you do if you won money
- Need ideas placing 403b's into IRA
- Chase customers - can you still get a plain ATM card?
- Stolen Money - Am I likely to get it back?
- Spending too much or earning too little?
- Gonna take the plunge and pay off HELOC from E-fund
- hiring some help/bookeeping
- I feel trapped and depressed by this mortgage and house. Help.
- Any financial preparations in case of no debt solution in US?
- Donations and deducting?
- 12 month plan to pay mortgage
- Please, I need advice on cash out/in of retirement account
- I earn slightly more than the reduced lunch income
- US downgrade and YMOYL
- MANY in U.S. need YMOYL, apparently.
- Need a new bank
- Cash only
- New thoughts about money.....
- Tipping...
- a baby step
- digital billing?
- who CARES!!!! about the stock market!
- Offset mortgage? UK, Aussie, Canada, etc?
- Class Action Lawsuits
- Money isn't everything..finally get that
- Budgeting on an irregular income
- Moving without a job
- Bouncing in the safety net
- Started Working Part Time
- Money, Imagination, Frugality, Frustrations
- What Have You Never Bought (New or Otherwise)?
- Conversation about money
- Go, Sarah. Go!
- Pay Off Mortgage (STILL) In This Economy???
- Possible case for saving any FICA (social security) tax cuts you get
- where to start, helping ill friend
- ? about savings bonds interest accrual dates.
- 100 Best Money Moves
- Didn't we used to have budget threads?
- Now, one more way to spread the word!
- Best cheap checking account?
- My 2011 Budget - For Your Review
- Here's Some Spending You Can Sink Your Teeth Into
- Take all your money out of the bank?
- Simple Money
- Does Your Life Purposed Match Your Time & Money?
- credit card debate
- Personal Finance Software?
- To Life Insure or Not to Life Insure, That is the Question.
- mortgage question for the mathematically challenged
- Percentage of Income Spent on Food
- need ways to take personal action against "the system"
- How to spend less than you earn
- Mistakes by accountant
- Practical Things That Actually Helped Me Spend Less
- A Debt That Is a Lesser of Evils?
- Resources for Strategic Personal Finance course
- How to find a really good tax/financial advisor?
- Free tax advice?
- Paper Savings Bonds
- Feelin' good about my progress and want to share
- I'll go a year without spending.....
- How voluntary is your simplicity?
- This board has been rather boring.What can we do to improve?
- NRM Survey on getting out of debt
- Do you believe the US may collapse?
- Lessons learned
- 1 in 2 Americans poor or low income
- How are you doing on your 2011 goals?
- laddering CD/s
- Maximizing Income vs Minimizing Expenses
- I opened it all
- New For 2011 Taxes
- The Four Pillars of Investing
- Bah! Credit!
- Socially responsible mutual funds
- 2012 Financial Goals
- Some PF comic relief courtesy of Mary Poppins!
- Protecting cash assets?
- Wondering about Darvas' box theory in stock market
- securing future generations financial security
- European credit rating downgrades.....
- Kid's College Fund
- Credit Card Fee
- Has anyone used a bank's "person to person" service?
- Lump Sum or Retirement Roll Over
- Is this correct thinking about principal and interest?
- Dividend Stocks
- what would you cut in your school?
- Qualified Dividends on tax return
- Traditional retirement accounts foolish with the US tax structure?
- Is compensation from online surveys taxable income?
- Have you done your taxes yet?
- Escrow Analysis Windfalls?
- Frugal February
- Schedule A Tax Law Changes 2012
- Before-Tax or After-Tax ?
- Tax Benefits To Funding Employer Retirement Account 401K
- The Cash Budget Envelope System: Do You Use it?
- Percent Tax You Paid To Income
- tax return
- if you get a refund, taxes
- Eternal vigilance ...
- Inheritance and taxes
- Why is 10k debt harder than 10k savings?
- Help Me With the Austerity Measures
- Doing More Now For Perceived Reward Later ???
- 401K's coming back
- Is debt "part of life"?
- Help,advice needed - anybody here dealt with identity theft before?
- Your Opinions on My Tax Questions
- I already feel better
- Calculating retirement income
- Now this is cool: a reward fromt he bank
- Quicken
- How much do you need/have for retirement?
- Betting Against Oneself
- the despicable way to make money
- college costs/alternatives to college
- 2012 Financial Goals--How Are You Doing?
- Mental Turmoil: Roth IRA vs IRA/401k vs savings vs investment
- Checking/Savings - Every Last Penny To Mortgage?
- My brother is a 1%er
- A bunch of Roth IRA blogger links
- Best tracking method for savings account?
- Following up on debt part of life
- If You Won the 500 Mil Lottery?
- Savings Account Question
- I had the greatest meeing with the Tax Man!
- Question about stocks
- Gettin' More MONEY
- Can You Refinance Home Under Water?
- A Primer on Refinancing?
- REFINANCE! Your Loan May Be FREDDIE / FANNIE without knowng it!
- Prudential Annuities
- Roth or Traditional for me?
- Really going out on a limb here....
- My Refinance Journey
- Happy Dance for me!
- And we are back!!!!
- Could you make it on the income of these 65+ year olds?
- 50%, 30%, 20% budget (wants vs needs vs savings)
- Locked Out of Account
- Conventional Retirement Advice Is Finally Passe
- This made me think.....
- When your mortgage lender goes bankrupt?
- Need Sound Advice About Building Cottage...
- How much condo insurance do you need?
- over-spending support groups?
- How can DD desposit a VISA gift card into her checking account?
- Freeway Syndrome and Other Rules of Thumb
- Dave Ramsey anyone?
- Ebay/Tradera
- in debt we trust MOVIE
- Doesn't the rate of return at credit unions stink?
- Any evidence for Realpage being a scam?
- payday and title loan places
- student loans
- Ideas on how to pay my home mortgage off early
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