View Full Version : Simple Public Policy
Pages :
- Welcome and Happy New Year
- The Economy
- When do you think the day of reckoning is coming if ever?
- World Bank and its impact on our life.
- Article on the "global elite"
- Repeal of Obamacare
- Gabby Giffords has just been shot in the head.
- Oh sh*t! I think I just deleted Idahl by accident
- Why do people feel the need to carry a gun?
- The Rich Get Richer While the Poor Get Poorer
- America's Decline
- President Obama's speech in Arizona
- RIP Sargent Shriver
- Insanity of the War on Drugs
- Keith Olbermann
- Stock market is for suckers!!!!?????
- Does Helping the Planet Hurt the Poor?
- State of the Union...What did you think?
- Create Jobs: Help People OR Corporations?
- Why is Military Spending Never Cut?
- Anyone out there think the tax code will ever be truly simplified?
- A perfect example of what is wrong with the Healthcare Private Market
- Here's an idea to make healthcare more affordable.....
- Recession
- Would Donald Trump Make a Good President?
- Wisconsin and unions
- Iraq and Afganistan
- Guns on Campus
- Please explain to me the pros and cons of "Right To Work"
- Money for War and Company Bailouts OK, Healthcare, Schools, Middle Class, NOT OK.
- Supreme Court ruling on the Westboro Church case
- Long-haired inmates moved to max security
- The NPR debacle--question for you devo pros
- What is an "entitlement"?
- Getting involved in Libya
- Our tax dollars at work?/Local and state gov't
- What Rick Perry is doing to Education in Texas is a Crime!
- Consumerism and a few words.
- Of the 1%, by the 1%, for the 1%
- Class Warfare Scorecard
- Excellent Chart on Govt Revenue vs Expense
- Would a government shutdown affect you personally?
- Raise the Debt Ceiling?
- How did the tea party get started?
- Poor Elect Democrats to Get Money From the Rich
- The Budget Speech
- Tax Day - fun graphic chart
- so who pays no income tax?
- Riot in Boston!
- Canadians: Are you voting differently this time?
- Food Freedom Laws
- Sarah Palin
- What benefits have you received from taxes?
- End of the "Age of America"
- Obama got Osama
- RIP Osama bin Laden
- Apache leader asks for apology from Obama
- interesting tax article
- Reassessing The Cost - post Bin Laden
- Sovereign Citizens
- NOT Born in the USA?
- Arnold, what were you thinking
- Obama seeks Palestine state on 1967 borders
- President Romney?
- Terrorist Longevity Saying
- Rolling Thunder - All Welcome
- Coming Depression
- Any online 'world' issue discussion groups?
- Prayapolooza in Houston
- Is the Weiner cooked?
- War #4
- Why I love this country....
- atheists going too far?
- President's speech tonight on troop withdrawal
- Huntsman For President
- Marriage Equality Act
- violent video games for kids.
- Is Obama really a Democrat?
- Don't call me "inmate!"
- What is up with this photo shoot?
- Michelle Bachmann Ban On Porn?
- Tangential Comment from Bachman thread - gnashing of teeth over political polarity
- I hope hope we don't raise the debt ceiling
- What exactly would happen if the government does not raise the debt ceiling?
- What would happen if the government does raise the debt ceiling?
- All This Crazy Weather Global Warming?
- Do you vote the issues or the party line?
- Government Assistance Programs
- Balanced Budget
- Double-dip recession?
- Obama mandate: birth control must be free
- Madmen everywhere!
- Progressive Contract for the American Dream
- A second Dem candidate?
- Simple Living Response To Economy / Jobs ??????
- President Perry
- Are We Ready For A Woman President?
- Which spending cuts are more acceptable
- Immigration Case Review
- US troops may stay in Afghanistan until 2024
- Is Keynesian the answer? If not, why?
- Rommey Bulldozing his 12 million dollar home.
- George Will implies all the hurricane warnings were just hoopla and unnecesssary
- What does FEMA actually pay for?
- Unemployment to stay high until 2017
- Dear Mr. President
- Note to James Hoffa, Jr.
- Italy's sales tax to rise from 20% to 21%!
- Leaving the GOP
- Anyone watch the GOP debates?
- The President's Speech tonight
- Leaving the Dems
- dontcha just kinda want a WOMAN PRESIDENT? *cough* Bachmann *cough* ?????
- Snitch Central
- James Carville's Advice to the President...Panic!
- Social Media and Mexican Drug Cartel
- Women in combat?
- Plenitude: a new economic model
- Today, The End of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" and........
- A Palestinian State
- Birth Control?
- Fanny Mae's Contribution to the Mortgage Crisis - Guaranteed to Burn Your Hide
- Chris Christie - What do you think?
- Tough stance on Immigration
- Obama fastracking Obamacare to the US Supreme Court
- I was born on earth
- Sarah Palin Not Running
- Occupy Wall Street PROTESTERS Not Letting Up - Nationwide
- Commercials about Mormons
- Obama and Palin
- How does the government actually intrude?
- The Top 100 Statistics That Every American Voter Should Know
- Romney "Morman" In Question / Bachmann Defends Tolerance? LOL
- The Democratic Parties blame for the 2008 financial meltdown
- New Movie "In Time" Shows World Where Time Is Currency
- The Great Disruption
- Happiness and society
- OBama says All troops out of Iraq by end of year.
- 39% for average, 275% more for wealthy - since 1970
- Cain Looks Kinda Cool ?
- the religious test- alive and well
- suppressing votes key to republican victory
- I hate daylight savings time. Loose an Hour Of Sleep! Get Rid Of It!
- Lessons from Iceland
- Cain's "sexual harassment"?
- Thank You Veterans
- Debt supercommittee a flop?
- socialism
- Occupy Movement and Tahir Square
- Is Income Inequality Really a Problem?
- Cain couldn't look much worse.
- iran nuclear facility explosions
- Romeny had something to hide?
- Ex-IL gov Blagojevich gets 14 year sentence
- Virginia Tech-AGAIN
- Why DON'T they like Romney?
- More Democrats Fear Big Government
- Does Iraq Matter?
- did I miss something?
- indefinite imprisonment of U.S. citizens without a trail
- Bradley Manning
- Romney would have stayed in Iraq
- political rant
- Kim Jong-Il's funeral procession
- Obama to trim military
- Orlov on the presidential campaign
- Ever donated to a National Presidential Candidate?
- Homeland Security monitoring journalists
- Coming This Summer: $5.00 Gas!
- Hooray the SOPA blackout!
- Ron Paul Gets NO COVERAGE
- Are Newt or Romney Electable?
- Action vs talk - George Carlin on the anti-abortion movement
- A moon base? Really Newt?
- You're Going Where???
- I stand with Planned Parenthood
- I don't care about the poor?
- Went To Caucus; We Are Messed Up As A Country
- Foreclosure abuse deal reached in U.S
- Birth Control; Help Me Understand Obama?
- NYT: Even Critics of Safety Net Increasingly Depend on It
- Keystone Cluster: Help Me Understand Congress?
- "Insourcing" ?
- More Support For the Smart-Grid
- Romney PLEASE! and NOT Santorum!
- Voter Registration
- Mail-In Voter Registration Skulduggery
- Can We Just DUMP all social issues?
- another horrible high school shooting in Ohio
- Republican Candidates: Where Are We Now?
- Shouldn't ALL conventions be contested conventions?
- What's the difference between a constitutional republic and a democracy?
- Visceral Reaction to Limbaugh's Woman-shaming.
- Random observations from local GOP caucus
- the more things change....
- Monsanto
- here we go again...
- Out sooner?
- Why Romney Didn't Do Well in the South
- Supreme court hears health care law challenge
- Student Loan Forgiveness Act of 2012
- Possible coup in China?
- Sgt. Bales
- Information Diet
- Political TV
- FDA Refuses to Ban PBA in Food Containers
- Palin on 2012 Ticket.
- The War Against Youth (article in Esquire)
- anarchist, unite!
- Santorum is Out
- Mitt 'n Newt 'n the NRA in town here
- The Stolen Cell Phone Bill
- Romney's wife
- safety net unravveling
- Time to Talk About the Buffett Rule
- President Obama to Submit Plan to Congress to Curb Oil Market Manipulation
- Francois Hollande.. next President of France?
- SCOTUS and Arizona Immigration law
- And Then There Were Two
- Is recession natural?
- Meet Julia
- Political Priority Poll
- Rush for Obama
- Social Security
- cool jive
- Thomas Greco interview 5/22 3:30 Eastern (GMT-5)
- Is the liberal media really liberal?
- A Life Worth Ending - Elderly aging
- twins won't get SS benefits, supreme court decision
- A pretty good President after all...
- Self-Employed getting dividend income hurting tax revenues?
- Big Gulp, Meet Big Brother
- So goes Wisconsin - So goes America?
- It's like déjà vu....all over again....
- Photo ID to vote
- trade policy leaks
- Executive Privilege
- Reactions on SB 1070 being upheld in the Supreme Court?
- Question about illegal aliens
- Good news!
- A thought about ObamaCare.....
- Who is in poverty?
- More than two parents for the legal standard in Calif
- looking for the positive statement about presidential candidates
- The political calls are constant now
- Little People Pay In Every Way Due to Financial Crisis
- Public Pensions - myth and facts
- Here's where the gun debate should go!
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