View Full Version : Reviews
- What are you reading in 2011?
- Movie reviews for 2011
- Slow readers to Fast readers?
- Do you keep track of the books you read?
- Best true motivational/inspirational DVDs
- Sanitizing Mark Twain
- What are you listening to?
- Lesser Known Television?
- I am
- How To Boil A Frog
- Anyone watch the series finale of "Medium"?
- Downton Abbey
- Super Sad True Love Story
- The Tournament of Books!
- Nook!
- Annette Benning
- Black Swan
- Eating Animals by Jonathan Safran Foer
- The Lion - Nelson DeMille
- Jane, help me recall the name of a DVD
- Clan of the Cave Bear
- Mystery writing reference books?
- A Woman's Tale
- Strangers in Good Company?
- Corner Gas, Canadian TV Series
- This blog and book looks interesting for simple livers
- 127 hours
- I need nook book suggestions
- Your Favorite Free Kindle books
- Exit Through the Gift Shop
- Idiot Abroad
- Let the Rigth One In vs Let Me In
- Awesome documentary about women stunt actors
- Books to read out loud
- Ann Douglas Sedgwick
- The future of tv daytime soaps...
- PBS mystery or drama series free on youtube
- Gleeks Unite
- Amazon to Allow Library Dowloads of books onto Kindles soon.........
- Did anyone see 60 Minutes tonight (Easter Sunday)?
- The Butterfly Effect
- Across the Universe
- Win Win
- Journey of Man: A Genetic Odyssey
- Human Planet
- Off the Map
- television series based on foreign series.
- No eres tu, soy yo (subtitled)
- Game of Thrones
- Wofield Poultry Collective
- Five Must-Have Books if you rwere marooned
- Five Must-Have Books if you were marooned
- Water For Elephants - animal lovers?
- "Poetry" A Korean Movie
- Midnight in Paris
- 1920s Radio Network
- The New Normal
- worst song ever
- Beginners
- Name of a book
- Microcosmos
- Books to Avoid
- Weird Al parodying Gaga
- The Movie "Buck"
- The Larry Sanders show (tv show)
- Harry Potter - need the story so far...
- Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2
- E-book format converter
- Who mentioned fortysomething?
- Beeline TV
- Movie - "I love You Phillip Morris"
- Cowboys and Aliens
- Lost and Found by Geneen Roth
- Podcast Recommendations?
- Rango and Hoodwinked
- a question for e-book readers
- The Help
- Bad movie theater experience
- The Hurricane of '38
- Game of Thrones
- Slumdog Millionaire Question (possible spoiler)
- any human heart
- Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead
- Bathroom Reading
- Deadhead thread
- A Widow's Walk
- Contagion
- Streaming Radio Favorite Stations
- Durant's History of Civilization
- The Dressmaker of Khair Khana
- Romance novels
- HOME - movie
- The UFO Incident
- Ingenious Minds on the Science Channel
- The Christmas Bunny
- "Burnt Mountain" by Anne Rivers Siddons
- Of Gods and Men
- How much is enough? (old song)
- Television Reviews--Fall 2011
- "The Ref"
- Poetry anyone?
- The Muppets
- The pornification of Lisbeth Salander.
- Hugo and Like Crazy
- "Fall of Giants" by Ken Follett
- Would anyone ever want to do a book club?
- Up
- What a dismal year for films
- Cavalia
- Cavalia a Review
- If you like Maggie Smith
- Get Low - a true tall tale
- What are you reading in 2012?
- Treading Water
- American Splendor
- Tinker Tailor...
- Enjoying Downton Abbey
- Can anyone remember the name of this book
- The Woman in Black
- "Winter's Bone"?
- What are you listening to, 2012?
- Whitney Houston obit
- Smash - the TV series on NBC
- The Artist
- Someplace Like America: Tales from the New Great Depression by Dale Maharidge
- Economy + Ecology approach by Alf Hornborg
- PBS' American Experience: The Amish
- Hunger games
- Midsomer Murders (Television Series).
- Information Diet
- Bill Bryson's Made In America
- Shirley Valentine
- call the midwife
- Almost Amish: One Woman's Quest for a Slower, Simpler, More Sustainable Life
- The Decrypters on National Geographic
- A musical style/instrument I was unaware of - thumbs up
- yay! the death of "brainstorming"
- Frontline: Money, Power and Wall Street
- Rightsizing your life
- Hey.....Remember this "No Money" guy?
- Simon's Cat--almost as much fun as the real thing!
- "The Way"
- Best Exotic Marigold Hotel
- National Theater Live broadcasts, anybody?
- Fab Entertainment on PBS - Il Volo
- Weight of the Nation (Four Part HBO Series)
- mature women's magazine out there?
- “Don’t Throw That Away!”
- Albert Nobbs
- Books you have re-read
- Has literature lost its themes involving romance and honour/integrity?
- Prohibition documentary
- 1,000 words?
- AT article about St. Louis
- Merchant of Venice for Dummies
- French Kids Eat everything
- Happy are You Poor, The Simple Life and Spiritual Freedom
- Anybody know the name/author of this book?
- Just saw Hope Springs
- Documentaries about living simply..
- Ken Burns' The Civil War
- Blackadder
- What Movies Are You Watching?
- Goodreads anyone?
- Downton Abbey Distress
- WWII farm BBC series
- Forks Over Knives: The Cookbook
- Amazing photography
- New Saturday Night Live season opener
- Philip Glass: Metamorphosis I - V
- Call the Midwife
- re-read the uncut version of The Stand
- article in The Onion
- Argo
- my birthday and Bond
- Any Decemberist fans?
- Paste Your Favorite Poem Here
- Christmas Music
- Christmas movies
- Moving to a small town (by Wanda Urbanska & Frank Levering)
- Searching for Sugar Man
- Cap'n Kirk reads poetry...ROFL!
- I got an i-pod
- Favorite British Television shows?
- Quiet: The Power of Introverts
- Who else loves Firefly?
- Food, Marriage, Women Studies, etc.
- my Scandinavian film festival
- the trailer
- Lincoln
- Life of Pi
- The Lincoln Lawyer
- Stolen Summer
- Anyone looking forward to Les Miserables?
- Hobbit movie
- Gone Girl (suspense novel)
- March of the Penguins?
- movies in Spanish
- "Mankind"??
- Videos or Movies of Tough Living Conditions in U.S. and Around the World ?
- Maeve Binchy died--anyone else a fan?
- 12 songs that will remind you of 2012
- Time Traveling via Television: The West Wing
- What Are You Reading in 2013?
- Iris Lily
- Choosing a film dilemma Hobbit or Tiger? They are both furry, yes?
- Bill Cunningham New York
- End of Watch
- A Holy Errand: new book by our own Fawn!
- Searching for Sugarman
- Blue Bloods
- "Flight"
- Off, off the grid
- The Makers
- Robot and Frank
- The books Karen and With love from Karen
- House of cards on Netflix
- Anyone else that liked the tv show Life?
- Seven Psychopaths
- Silver Linings Playbook!
- Bates Motel...
- Proof of heaven by Eben Alexander MD
- Potpourri
- "Get a Life: You Don't Need a Million to Retire Well" by Ralph Warner
- Favorite, and least favorite, movie and book genre?
- The Bletchley Circle (PBS)
- the absofreakinlutely best music of your generation: name the anthems.
- Broadchurch
- Django Unchained
- Wonderful Music Video
- The Office finale---spoilers!!!!!!
- Promised Land?
- Hannibal, anyone?
- Request for book suggestions
- A beautiful thing Movie Theater Goers will enjoy
- themes of movies
- See Helen Mirren LIVE! (sort of)
- Favorite Magazines
- Best flash mob ever!
- "The Kitchen Counter Cooking School" by Kathleen Flinn
- summer blockbuster film The Heat
- The Lone Ranger
- "Younger Next Year": Have you read it?
- Johnny Depp
- Free summer concerts
- raunchy adult humor: House of Lies
- Bones marathon
- Hannah Arendt
- Feedback on a couple movies please
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