View Full Version : Open Forum
Pages :
- hello?
- New year, new forum platform, new goals - what're yours?
- A special thank you.
- Soy milk.
- Cat-astrophe!
- Gather and unite oh glorious we!
- Pete Postletwaite RIP
- What's your version of the simple life?
- Lets start with the jokes
- So funny.........Grobin sings Kanye West tweets
- What's Your Take on the Dead Birds/Fish Around the World?
- Floor washing (frequency).
- New usernames and their significance.
- Anyone have any "funnies" to share Re: the new forum?
- not the end of the world emergency planning
- WJSimon
- Gerry Rafferty RIP
- Christmas Holiday Season withdrawl.
- GO Oregon DUCKS -- BCS Championship Bowl - Monday p.m.
- Stress relief
- Drying/wiping out kitchen sink basins after dish washing.
- Name of folk singer?
- Happy Surprises in Life
- Stigma attached to simple/frugal living.
- Here I am
- Stupid computer question
- How did we end up doing on funding these new boards?
- $125 entering my life next Monday!!!
- Major Dick Winter
- "107 year old lives frugaly"
- How does family "stack up" to you in the frugal department?
- To Float On.
- Electric coffee grinders.
- I love my dog!
- Favourite smells.
- Favourite tastes...
- Go Pack Go
- "Grubbies"- AKA (work clothes, kick around wear).
- Is a dishwasher worth it?
- So...just how many pair of jeans do you own?
- dead hawk
- Seattle meet-up
- First mystery shop tomorrow.....
- Things sure have changed since 2006!!!!
- What is this emoticon about?
- NRM could use a little help with publicity
- Pear-shaped (figured) members check in.
- Sooooo frustrated with computer!!
- The three S's. (The Sights, the Sounds, the Smells of frugality/simplicity).
- What is that song called?
- Gorilla walks upright
- Days of the week (shopping days). What day(s) is/are yours?
- Dogs in the Snow (cuteness overload)
- The little things... Like "thanks".
- So you think you can dance?
- Inside out/right-side out. The eccentrics guide to clothes washing.
- Domestic perfection. (Perfect balances/combinations).
- Consumerism & Media Forum?
- The value of "Sentimental" things.
- Snow Day Check-in!
- Good thing I didn't plant those tomatoes after all!
- Nail and hair growth.
- Saving water for when power goes out
- What exactly is Skype and do you use it?
- Members who grew up in a smoking home.
- Domestic (household) pet peeves!
- What is your cat doing?
- Washing machine (wash cycle settings).
- Aging & Kids & Facebook & Wrinkles!
- The best she hopes for.....
- RIP Gary Moore
- Repurpose ideas/suggestions?
- And the alternative stream of income continues.....
- Who do you look like? Me-- Tony Soprano's shrink
- Been spending some time reevaluating life.....
- Shanghai World Expo Closing Ceremony Concert. (Must see)!
- Childrens Book About Simple Living
- Inspiring free ebook
- 100% cotton fabric versus Teflon treated ironing board covers.
- What do you need to learn how to do?
- I can't figure out how to hook up my DVD player
- Incomplete and complete. (What are some things that make you feel either or)?
- Oven mitts or cotton tea towel(s). (Any cheaters out there)?
- Your "3" all-time favourite good old home-cooking smells.
- Folding towels. (What's your method)?
- Wish we had more interesting ways of life here in the U.S.
- How many visits/check-ins do you make here a day?
- Towel washing & usage
- Bootsie (or anyone else w/knoweledge) i.e. Amish, Mennonite, Hutterites.
- What's your Myers-Briggs type?
- Booked my flight, made my reservations, it's looking like I'll be working again.....
- Stella--had a dream about you!
- Oh Kib- oh Kib, where are you?
- 24pins?
- Bae. (About the island you reside on).
- Academy Awards
- System Tool Virus: I guess it's going around
- Care hugs. (Free for the taking).
- How to start a blog
- Bus Travel
- Now I'm an Ebay seller!
- Dealing with auto insurance company
- "Thought of the Day"
- Kib. (Upon your return let's talk honey containers).
- Old-fashioned wooden clothes drying racks.
- Do you use an alarm clock?
- Do You Sing?
- Books to read before you die
- Too much choice. (Products).
- Did he lie to me?
- My take on the tragedy in Japan.....
- Poet Elizabeth Odell?
- Fun word usage question.
- Tech Help with E-mail
- Cabin fever.
- starbucks voucher for you UK folks!
- pets and faux leather furniture
- Just now feeling the effects of the downturn in the economy
- Nova. Hunting the edge of space. (2 hour special).
- Mrs-M
- looky loo is over whelmed
- I loved this!
- You know you're an introvert when....
- Japan makes fast strides in repairing road
- Anyone want to talk space with me? (Specifically the edge of space).
- To Gina.
- Are my expectations too high?
- Simplicity oxymorons
- Anone heard from WJ Simon?
- Will libraries disappear too?
- Where is kib?
- Friends of the opposite gender?
- To Stella.
- Least favourite cooking chore.
- Favorite cooking task?
- how to post pics in threads?
- Distinction between "still usable"- or "no longer usable" in your home/life.
- Did your life end up like you envisioned it would?
- Digital Recognition software?
- Just heard the weirdest thing on Dr Drew.
- New kitty
- Silly Stuff
- bae-bae!
- Mrs. M
- 5 French bulldogs!
- MINNESOTA Meet-Up June 5th
- Barry Bonds--why should I care?
- Brag!!! I became a Grandma today!!!
- Very sad news -- Hoosiernan
- I've gone cold turkey!
- Yippee! DH starts his new job today!
- Like Frontier House? You'll Like These Too.....
- Simplicity Survey results
- You okay Iris Lily?
- A Big HURRAH For Our First Quarter, Plus Financials
- Fun SL Woodstock Festival!
- Why no photos?
- Anyone in Alabama? Are you OK?
- Panama?
- Silly Physics Question
- Simple Living Journal
- Simplicity Wears the Crown
- Anyone play the pan flute? Kally?
- Cremation versus burial.
- Tradition...
- Today's things that made me laugh
- Grammar geeks. Using " " or ' ', which one is right?
- Borrowing ingredients from neighbours.
- Planning a vacation
- Does anyone even use those anymore???
- Interesting happening in Las Vegas.....
- What type of sleeper are you? (Position wise).
- The good new days
- Life's triumphs (conquering habitual behaviours).
- Do you use a dust ruffle?
- Monopoly
- How high maintenance are you?
- Another huge blow to the horse world
- the Rapture
- Afraid of dying.....
- Reading Obituaries.
- So What is it worth?
- Minnesotans, are you ok?
- Weather wise----- be careful out there!
- Towel-wrapping hair after bath (women).
- Grad School Debate
- Today's FUNNY!!!
- Inventions (SL related) you use/used in/around your home that made you say...
- The je ne sais quoi of clothesline drying.
- Photo editing software - alternatives to Photoshop (for Mac)
- MacBook issue
- I didn't think tornadoes happened HERE
- The introduction of new products... (Household).
- Man Vs. Debt
- Why didn't I think of that!
- When you feel off-track . . .
- Leaving laundry/washables out overnight (clothesline).
- Alan - The Birdhouse, Alaska
- Poll (What SL category do you fall under)?
- 20 year old female student missing from local college
- Oddest image today
- How mindful are you?
- 30 day challenge, preparing salad WITHOUT USING A SALAD SPINNER!
- What changes do you expect to see in Western socities in the next ten years?
- Fellow Canadians. Have YOU had enough of our Young Offenders Act?
- Trips/vacations with babies/children you'll soon NEVER forget! Hahahahaha.....
- Vacations for Relaxation or Adventure?
- A 'No Makeup' challenge
- Where does the time go???
- So what happened in Vancouver?
- It still works!
- Neat site about everything possible that is simple
- Tips for what to do in an earthquake?
- Leonard Cohen
- Computer Woes
- Ironing Poll. Like it? Hate it? Live with it?
- Any Greg Noory / Art Bell listeners out there?
- First Day of Summer!
- I'm so old I've...
- Buying Art Online? (ArtUSA)
- Crazy daydreams, advenutres, goals? Things you want to see?
- You have got to see Yosemite.
- What were you doing March 3, 1966
- Where is your center?
- Annual salary bonuses in the public sector?
- One Fish Two Fish
- Ever thought about what makes a house a HOME? Your thoughts...
- Purpose and Meaning in Life
- Happy Canada Day
- Introverts will understand this.....
- Casey Anthony not guilty.........very curious
- YouTube funny: Dove ruins cat nap
- Uncertainty and Anxiety
- Anyone have an Apple Ipad? Pros and cons requested.
- Please explain "beyond a reasonable doubt".
- The decline of the babysitter.
- Immortality. Or, at best, increased life-expectancy.
- Vegetable garden could send woman to jail
- Amazing 3D Printer
- The frustration of what to believe.
- heat wave and what's reasonable
- Cultural differences
- Geo political word association game
- Who Would Play You In A Movie of Your LIfe?
- Word play. How do you say ? in your home...
- What's your "19" song?
- Garage/yard sales.
- Speaking of simplicity and frugality, do you remember???
- Looking for magazine that someone mentioned here
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