- here it is--the new forum
- Best food emergency planning
- Earthquake!!
- Earthquake!!
- Epidemics and vaccinations...
- Super Volcano!
- America's PreparaAthon
- Contents of hiking backpack.
- Another step forward in emergency problem-solving
- Stocking up on prescription meds?
- The secondary disasters that follow
- Quick tip
- Cool tool for the car
- Prepping packs for cars.
- Preparedness during hot weather
- Long term food storage...is this good?
- Tornado shelter
- How to get my head around this
- Slingshots?
- WA State fires
- Earthquake country
- Paradise Built in Hell
- Not prepared for even the simplest emergency - flashlights
- Emergency preparedness for apartment/condo dwellers
- No hot water: not exactly an emergency, but still...
- Power outage serves as a reminder
- All my planning
- Texas
- Manual access to water well without electricity?
- Aruba: Not an ideal place to be...
- Skills to Learn List
- another 10 year reflection on Hurrican Katrina
- South Carolina
- Bicycle tires, post-apocalypse
- Tiny German Village forced to accept 1,000 refugees
- Flooding in Texas
- Extended Power Outages
- Not trying to be morbid, but I have question about wills and directives.
- Article: Prof Stephen Hawking Has More Bad News For Humanity...
- N Korea
- Emergency toilet
- Naked and Afraid simple living?
- Canadian wildfires
- General emergency preparedness...
- Swiss Army Knife vs. Leatherman Multitool
- Preparing for tropical storm
- Tropical Storm Julia
- Terrorist attack at OSU?
- Russian Hack of VT Power Grid
- Northwest storms
- Evacuations In California
- Good compass? Good loupe magnifier?
- Can't Find This Product
- Wringer washing machine
- Wildfire preparedness
- A challenging morning...
- Government Shutdown
- Looks like Irma is coming
- We evacuated
- Will
- Oumuamua?
- Heck of storm (by C-bus, OH standards)!
- Bae.......tsunami?
- How people survive around the world by income
- Check those passports
- Wildfires and smoke
- Long Cold Winter This Year
- Blizzard In New Mexico!
- Unusual Types of Preparedness Kits?
- Starting over from scratch?
- Is climate change something you care about?
- Both a prepper and a minimalist?
- We Thought We Were Prepared -- I Guess We'll Find Out!
- The Collapse of Civilization May Have Already Begun
- Preparing for War?
- Coronavirus precautions in your home
- the scientist who saw the pandemic coming
- Any change to future emergency preps?
- Preparedness/Homesteading Books
- I could survive on...
- Stocking up for the fall/winter
- Gardenarian, chk in plz
- So do you think you're ready to evacuate?
- After the last year , What I learned
- Protecting oneself and one's home.
- Mass Shootings in 2021
- Avocado supply chain disruption
- Stocking up for WWIII?
- What Should I consider?
- Stocking up/inflation & shortages
- Hurricane coming- people going nuts.
- New perspective about hurricane preparedness
- Are you preparing for supply chain disruptions?
- Winter storms -- Neighbors looking out for one another
- Emergencies and Fema
- Home warranties
- Reminder - important documents
- State of emergency/hurricane watch
- Emergency Preps for 2024
- Things to do when bad storms coming
- The Unthinkable book (surviving disasters)
- Texts via satellite-iPhone 14 or newer with IOS 18
- Doomsday prepping community
- A non-prepper's prepping