View Full Version : Just joined the Affordable Travel Club

4-29-11, 6:50pm
for people over 40. We give someone a room in our house a few times a year and we can go anywhere in the world the members live.

I just went to Vancouver Island to a beautiful little town. Checked into a home that was a smallish, perfect patio home. I got a lovely room and my own bathroom. In the morning they gave me breakfast, fresh fruit, coffee and home made scones right out of the oven.

As an added bonus, and not part of the club, they shared their chicken dinner with me.

Cost $15 What an amazing deal.

I wonder why more people don't join.

Over 40, no kids when you are staying with someone. Go out in the day to give host privacy, no food or booze in their home and be a good guest.

4-30-11, 1:53am
Tell me more! How do I find out about this?

4-30-11, 11:46am
I've never done it, but good friends have been members of something called Friendship Force which does something similar. I think it's more involved however - as in you show people around your town or something, but I'm not really sure. But they have traveled very inexpensively around the world for several years now, seen lots of really nice things, met nice people, done things only locals would know about, and all for a very reasonable amount. They are both social and very frugal. They seem to really love everything about the organization.

4-30-11, 12:04pm
just google Affordable Travel Club
I will let you know how my other visits go. I live on an island (more or less), so when we go to the mainland it is super to have somewhere to stay and not have to rush back for the 7 pm ferry.

5-2-11, 5:27am
I also can recommend servas.org.
It is not only about travelling but also about meeting people from other countries.

5-2-11, 2:24pm
That sounds really awesome! I will have to wait until I'm 40 to try it though :( I'm only 28...lol

5-13-11, 12:32am
I would love to. BUT I have pets. That is why i am making a bus into a camper.