View Full Version : Finally cleaning out kids' school papers from 20 years ago!

1-9-12, 12:42pm
I had DH check our attic over yesterday, to check for leaks, chimney etc. I told him to bring down the big Rubbermaid containers I had there. I had no idea there were so many of them! I had 3 40 gallon Rubbermaid containers filled with just papers from when my kids were in preschool through 4th grade. I just can't believe I kept all these!
I "cremated" around 3/4 of the stuff. I guess it took me 20 years to get less sentimental about all of it!
But it made me think about how much paper that our schools use. Its just not necessary. Part of me is happy that the are using computers alot more these days, instead of the paper.
I've spent hours going through this stuff, and saving the very best of it. But too bad all my work won't show in the main part of the house!
Okay..........on to the 2 huge containers of baby clothes.

1-9-12, 1:48pm
I so hear you.... I edit about 75% of paper/etc/etc/etc that comes into house with 2 small kids on a GOOD day.
(Not all the days are GOOD days, so there are some random piles around... and there is a treasure or 2 per about every 25 sheets or so)

It's pretty amazing what comes into the house with little people.

Just going to Sunday School = about 4 new pieces of paper in our lives. And then you have to think through -- "we haven't gone over this story of Nikademus(sp) at home yet. Please forgive me Lord for throwing this out, I promise we'll cover the next bible story sent home sooner." :|(

Thankfully DS's school is a 'paperless' school.... so it could be worse!

If I ease up on editing vigilance, it goes downhill quickly!

1-9-12, 2:48pm
Great job Cathy! After editing my own school stuff from 20+ years ago I am not especially sentimental about my own kids' stuff. Sometimes I feel bad about that, like I should save more. Other moms seem a little horrified at my weenie stack of saved mementos.

The funny thing was reading my report cards from over the years. The description the teachers gave me from preschool on up pretty much still apply to me today. I guess they were not successful at beating those traits out of me. :)

1-9-12, 3:50pm
I was thinking of writing to DS's grade school teachers. He was a fairly difficult student......always in a hurry, never doing things right........And now he's such a calm, intelligent guy. I think it might give them a little more patience with these kinds of kids, if they know some of them eventually turn out GREAT! :)

I found a note from one of DD's teachers........asking if her hearing was okay, because she was always talking so loudly. hahahaha I still have to tell DD to not talk so loud!

I've been trying to part with alot of the my kids things..........clothes, stuffed animals, school work, stroller, games, etc. I keep the best ones, but I'm trying to learn that getting rid of some of this stuff is not getting rid of the children, or the memories. It can be a real challenge!

1-9-12, 5:04pm
Another "I here you" from this corner of the woods! :) Happens to the best of us. Re: the "two huge containers of baby clothes" you have, CathyA, I still haven't gone through the boys room (youngest two) and containerized all of their old baby-stuff, and it's already been two years and a little bit!!!

I can't tell you how often I remind myself of the fact and quietly think, "I need to tackle that", yet, another year passes and still, baby-stuff/things in the boys room/through the house.

1-24-12, 5:27pm
That's so funny...My mom handed me a manila envelope the other day full of report cards and old greeting cards. I have not had the nerve to open the envelope yet! Not sure I want to "go there."

1-24-12, 7:37pm
My girls are 28 and 30. JUST this weekend, the younger texted me a photo..."Look what I found." It was her "Yellow Baby," a terrycloth doll she could go nowhere without most of her toddlerhood. She also sent it to her sister who reported she still has her "Buggy" a big old ratty stuffed rabbit she received her first Easter. This brought a lump to my throat for some reason--that they still have those precious things. I have also kept two little books they each wrote (when they were probably 5 or so) and put together. One written in grief after the loss of a cat; the other a fantasy about a leprechaun. Someday I'll surprise them with those--they're hysterical.

But...I was never one to keep school papers...maybe if they'd been prodigies, but alas, no.

1-24-12, 8:33pm
I finally found something I am sentimental about. My kids and their cousins have become pen pals and are writing back and forth. I am making copies of my kids' letters and drawings and saving the cousins' letters and drawings. I think it would be fun to put together a book of their elementary school correspondence.