View Full Version : House made in America

1-29-12, 11:11pm
I'm intrigued currently by buying things made here in my own country, mostly because of the situation here with jobs and because I hate the idea that something had to belch carbon monoxide for 5000 miles to reach me. So I liked this story and am thinking about printing off the list, just to have handy for home improvement projects: (you have to get past the boring 30-second ad at the beginning, but it's worth it)


1-30-12, 8:20am
Very cool. When we built our new home in 2007 we went for as much locally supplied wood as we could and I'm very excited that Moen is a made in america product because we have faucets throughout the house. I bet our builder would like this list. He's very conscientious...

1-30-12, 7:51pm
That is cool.

I try to do the same with NZ.