View Full Version : March Exercise Check-In

3-4-12, 7:43pm
I need to hold myself accountable as I start to undo the damage I did to myself while in the midst of the crazy work crisis of the past few weeks ~ I haven't smoked in two days and I went for a brisk 30 minute walk around the park and my neighborhood after I got off work.

PS: Tomorrow morning I am actually going to go the doctor (first time in about three years!) about this finger circulation problem that I am still having. I am sure it is directly related to the Thoracic Outlet Syndrome I was diagnosed with over ten years ago. It had never caused the type of symptoms I've have been experiencing until recently. I am scared they will want to run all sorts of expensive tests though. I'm thinking perhaps I need to be in physical therapy again for it. Well, we'll see...

3-4-12, 8:41pm
I've been so lacking in exercise because of the inclement weather. It's finally at a point where I can go again. I find myself out of shape after months of none, so it's 20 minute spots to start, and even those are fatiguing. I'll work back up to it. Today and yesterday it was using a spade and shoveling and dragging a wheelbarrow, hauling and moving rocks for the garden. I only spent about an hour doing those, don't want to overdo. It's nice to get back to the garden.

3-5-12, 4:09am
I am staying on track with jogging. I am looking forward to the weather breaking and getting back on the two wheels again. I really have not kept up with my learning Yoga. Reminder to self, do that today. I know I really really have to implement weights into my routine. I wonder why that is so hard for me?

3-5-12, 7:14pm
Did my 30 minute walk again today; really trying to speed it up to get my heart pumping. Also, I'm starting a round of PT next Monday for my shoulder/neck problem.

3-5-12, 7:33pm
Hey everyone! Well done.

I went to Lifetime Fitness tonight to see the facility. I dunno, I doubt I would use it if I joined. Everything was great until I walked into the HUGE room with the cardio machines . . . just huge to me . . . 200 machines probably, and all these people in rows . . . my blood pressure went up immediately. I could not see myself there. That is too bad, because it's pretty close to my house and they have yoga and it's included in the price.

Another factor is that I can't bring myself to pay $60 a month to belong there, at least now that the weather is going to get nice and we live so much closer to the river, I now have a nice bike, etc.

Am contemplating putting the money I would have put into a gym membership into a few used machines for the basement. We have a skiier that I like, but I wouldn't do it every day. Maybe that and an elliptical for crappy weather days? I could join my alma mater, which is really close by, for a minimal cost but I could have been doing periodic visits there all along for a one-time use fee and haven't been. Not sure why. Just not sure in general. :)

Carry on, good work-out-ers!!

3-5-12, 11:25pm
15 minutes. Struggling with foot and joint pain that makes it hard to move faster.

3-7-12, 10:45pm
Okay, it 'twas a crazy day at the freakin' crazy job...there were several times I got a bad nicotine fit but I didn't succumb to it. I did the right thing for once - I had to run like crazy to catch the bus, and when I got home, the first thing I did was change into my tennies and walk very briskly around the neighborhood circle. Not a long walk; it was dark and I was hungry. Score one for me though!

3-14-12, 12:50am
30 minutes today. cold and stiff, but 30 minutes!

3-14-12, 6:19am
Well done, SQ!

I haven't been doing so well in March. I was travelling for work for about 10 days, and working crazy hours during that time. And no gym at the hotel. We did have a long walk as a family the one Saturday my husband and kids were there with me, and then on Sunday I climbed a pretty big mountain with a colleague -- 700 meters up and back, basically all stone stairs. It was pretty brutal, and I kind of threw my back out (actually I think it is that my hamstrings have seized up and that is causing the muscles in my lower back to get all knotted up, too). I've actually been in a fair amount of pain the last two days, hurts whenever I try to move. I went swimming last night and that helped some, and DH gave me a pretty rough massage (I think I got bruised!). Today seems to be a little better than yesterday. Hope the pain and stiffness goes away soon, though -- I've never had serious back issues and I'm a little worried!

Looking on the bright side, I spent 10 days in taiwan eating WAAAAY too much really good food and I didn't put on any weight. Gotta love stress sometimes!


3-14-12, 6:35am
I've kept up with Zumba 1-2x/week through the winter but am very thankful that spring weather has come early and I can get outside again.

Fidgiegirl, we have a treadmill in our basement and although I find machines very boring, I can stand this because we rigged a shelf above it on which we can set a laptop for reading or watching while walking. Sometimes I just run up and down our stairs a few times when I need some extra movement. I used to work in a 4-story building and always took the stairs there, winter or summer, to counteract some of the all-day sitting.

3-14-12, 9:43am
Good to hear from everyone! I had to miss about two days of walking late last week due to work schedule, but did my walk the last three days, plus my morning series of stretches. Went for an hour long walk yesterday when it was so nice in the nature preserve by my house, but most of the trails were pretty muddy and I had to *****-foot around the muck. Still, it was really nice to get out! I almost succumbed to buying a diet coke (for its caffeine) at the gas station on the way back home from this walk but I DIDN'T (even though I have been suffering some bad caffeine withdrawal headaches)! It's been Sunday since I've had any caffeine!

3-14-12, 9:44am
I had no idea the sensors would block THAT word!

3-14-12, 12:29pm
I've taken up boxing. And I'm a chick! :) Loving, loving, loving it.

I've tried yoga a dozen times and hated every minute. In boxing I've found the sport for me. I hit the heavy bag - had one lesson and ever since the boys at the gym are giving me pointers. Love connecting with that bag. :)

3-14-12, 10:47pm
Hi all, well done on the fitness! We are getting out a lot more here in the glorious weather - long walks, and I even took out my bike!! Yeah!

3-15-12, 10:04am
I woke up too early this morning and was tossing around, ruminating myself into a mood, when I realized I could just get up and throw on some sweats and tennies and do my brisk walk around the park ~ it was really nice, so peaceful and the birds were singing. I think I'll try that tomorrow too. Keeps me from sitting around missing coffee in the morning. It's now day four of no caffeine, and I'm starting to believe I can do it. Hopefully I won't get the withdrawal headache again like I did yesterday at work around 4 pm.

3-15-12, 10:20am
Well done, SiouzQ!!

3-17-12, 5:02pm
Have been on the bike three times now. I bought a new one last fall and really like it. Makes a huge difference in actually riding. Plus DH's bike is set up so it's comfy for him now. We went 9 miles today. Not a lot by hard core bike standards, but a lot for us! http://www.freesmileys.org/smileys/smiley-transport030.gif (http://www.freesmileys.org/smileys.php)

3-17-12, 9:01pm
Way to go! I'm thinking it is time to get my bike out too, about a month earlier than usual but it was almost 80 degrees here today!

I haven't been able to be as consistent with my walking as I would like but I did get one in today after work before it got dark. I can't believe it's been 6 days since I last drank coffee! I drink some tea in the morning instead and that satisfies my urge for something warm to start the day. And I'm generally feeling pretty good, despite my achy shoulder and neck. Guess I'll keep on keeping on :)

3-17-12, 10:20pm
I have a stationary bike and I have not missed a day this month except for Sundays which are my days off.

3-17-12, 10:49pm
Cats, any update on the boxing? Sounds awesome.

3-18-12, 6:01am
My back issues have resolved -- looks like it was due to the overexertion of my hiking last weekend -- and I finally got back on the treadmill today. Took it easy with the running (just did 15 running total at 10.0 km/hr in intervals, with 30 minutes of walking before during and after the intervals (mostly after). I haven't run for about 3 weeks so I wanted to take it easy. While I was doing some weights afterward my old trainer showed up -- he was pretty surprised at how much weight I have lost since he last saw me (probably around 7kgs)! I have a major meeting at work tomorrow and won't be home until late, but hope to hit the gym more regularly for the rest of the month after this hectic period resolves.


3-18-12, 7:56pm
Glad your back is better, Ihamo!

I woke up early this morning and got my walk in as the sun was coming up; the birds were really chatty this morning! Then after work I dragged my bike up from the basement and rode it to get a few things from Wholefoods, probably about 4 miles total round trip. I'm feeling so good, and still no coffee!

PS: the gas station I passed on the way was at $3.99 per gallon; I am so happy to have my bike!

3-18-12, 8:38pm
Putting this out there: tomorrow I am going to go for a run.

Also, time to watch my food again. I don't know if it's the weather or what, but I'm ready to give it another go.

3-18-12, 8:39pm
Also, nice to see you, lhamo!

3-20-12, 3:14pm
I'm signing up with the trainer for a lesson next week. Learn some new punches. :)

3-20-12, 4:43pm
Nice, cats!!

I did that run yesterday! 35 min. Probably about 1/3 of it running. After 2 days of biking and one day of running, I need a rest day today. I guess that's what I get for going whole hog after months of nothing!! :)

3-20-12, 7:30pm
Yay, fidgie! I'm finding if I do just one active thing per day most days, it spurs me to do even more on my days off. For some reason, I just want to move!

Here was my day off: woke up around 7:30, did all my stretching and PT exercises, went for walk around neighborhood, cleaned out front garden - moved paving stones, hacked at old yucca pants, cleared dead debris, raked, replaced paving stones. Cleaned up rest of front yard. Made bread. Hopped on the bus to Meijers to get some oil for my car. Finished a pair of earrings I was making down in the studio. Rode bike to Trader Joe's to finish up some grocery shopping, about 5 mile round trip with lots of hills (I only walked the bike up the last one)! Collapsed on couch for a bit reading/sleeping. Made dinner, eating dinner as I type. Yes, I am tired, but it is a good kind of tired. And last night I slept a full 8 hours with no waking up and with no Benadryl to help me :)

Now back to the crazy job tomorrow.

3-20-12, 8:21pm
I love those kinds of days, SiouzQ. Glad you were able to sleep without "assistance."

3-24-12, 11:31am
Went for another run. It is amazing how fast one can get back in the groove of it. This is the third run I've taken; the first one was mostly running and a little walking. This one was 1.5 miles straight!!! Wooooooohoooooooo!

3-24-12, 7:03pm
I had several weeks of minimal gym time due to business/travel at work, so I'm building back up to 5k in 30 min on the treadmill again. Hit 4.6 on Friday. Yesterday was feeling a bit sluggish, so only made 4.15. Going to try for 4.8 today. Also need to get back in the groove with my weights.

Next week is going to be a challenge exercise wise as DH is travelling and I'll have to take the kids to school/stay late at the office. Ugh. Not looking forward to it. Thinking about asking our helper if she'd be willing to come in early in the mornings so that I can keep my regular routine. It woudn't cost much extra and I think the stability/lower stress level would make it worth it. Not to mention the health benefits if I don't lose a full week of fitness once a month.


PS: Edited to add I KICKED SOME SERIOUS BUTT at the gym today. Sorry for shouting, but I'm rather excited. Hit 5k in 30 minutes on the treadmill this morning (just barely, and had to walk an extra 10 minutes to cool down before I dared start my weight routine), did a full weight routine PLUS abs and back, AND I just got back from swimming with the kids -- did 10 laps in 30 minutes. SCORE! I also decided that rather than pushing for more speed on the treadmill (something I'm concerned might lead to injury) I'm going to go for endurance and try to get to the point where I can run a 10k race before the end of the year. I saved a training routine from Hal Higdon's site, and if I can get our helper to agree to come in early the mornings DH is not here I will commit to doing that routine over the next 8 weeks, with the goal of being able to do 10k on the treadmill before June 1.

I'm pretty psyched, especially given the progress I have made since I first started running using the couch to 5k program about a year ago. Was looking back at my training records and it was only a few months ago that I could only manage a minute or two at 10.5 km/hr, and that was my max speed for several months -- today I did 27 minutes of running total, with 10.5 as my LOWEST speed and 12.0 km/hr as my highest.

3-28-12, 12:07am
I tried to post an update yesterday but it got swallowed into internet vapor.

I have decided to work up to running 10k, using this program:


We renegotiated with our helper to start coming in early mornings while DH travels, which means I can go back to my regular work schedule of 7-3, which means I can continue with daily workouts in the afternoon after I get home/before dinner. DH was not entirely thrilled about the whole thing (easy for him when he doesn't have to deal with the hellacious commute that results from me having to take the kids to school!), so committing to a very structured exercise program was one thing I thought I could do to make him happy while also continuing to work toward my health/fitness goals. At least that is the theory! I'll be taking the kdis swimming as my "cross training" sessions on Wednesdays and Saturdays, so hopefully that will appease him a bit as well.

In preparation for this I splurged and bought a bunch of songs on Itunes to use as my running mix. Was kind of bummed to get to the gym and discover the pace I had picked was a bit on the slow side -- I've been averaging about a 10.0 km/hour pace on my runs lately, but when I put the music on I found that it was really more suited for a 8.5-9.0km pace. That is ok, I guess -- probably dont' want to push myself too hard on the tempo as what I am aiming for is buildling endurance, at least in this preliminary stage. But I am planning to download a second set of faster songs in the 170-180 bpm range so that I can mix it up and speed it up a bit when I want/need to.

Excited to have a structured plan! And at the thought that I might actually be able to run 10k in just 8 weeks.


3-28-12, 12:40am
Nothing today. I'm letting the weather intimidate me!

3-28-12, 9:20am
lhamo, glad you got your helper to come in. Now everyone can be happy. :)

I went for about a 20 min. run this morning. It was a little harder than my last one. Wonder why? Maybe pollen? Anyway, still proud that I went. My belly was giving me a little grief before I went, and that was like a ripe little excuse just waiting to be picked, but I did it anyway. Now off to the shower.

3-28-12, 9:47am
Glad to see everyone doing their thing! I'm still doing my thing, getting in a vigorous walk everyday. I am in PT for the neck and shoulder issues, so with all the stretching exercises I already do every morning, I now have an additional 20 or mins of those. It is taking almost an hour to do all this...but if I don't, I am a creaky, sore mess. I am going to bed fairly early (by 11:30 -ish), sleeping at least 7 hours (with no pharmacuetical help) and still no caffeine!

I think though as I get the muscular/skeletal issues worked out, I need to up the intensity of what I do. I am concerned about doing that now though when my back and upper thoracic regions are so tender and unstable-feeling. I'm also really trying to remember to work on my posture at all times.

Keep it up, everyone! Ya'll inspire me to do better!

3-28-12, 11:13am
Yay! The weather let up and I got 30 minutes of walking in this morning!