View Full Version : soft drinks...GAH!!!!

1-9-13, 5:02pm
I am finally back at work, between clients and so I spent some time reading medical journals. Should have played mahjong or something.

I found this article on the American Academy of Neurology web site. Now, I drink mostly water and I do not drink soft drinks, the ones with sugar, but I do enjoy the occasional diet root beer. Just like the one I brought to work today.

I do not know much about the study because it is not being fully presented until their annual meeting in March, but it looks like sugared soft drinks, as well as the ones with aspertame, might be linked to depression.

You know, if I paid strict attention to all of the studies and abstracts and articles that I read each week, I would never eat much of anything or go anywhere or do more than stay at home and worry. It is just that I think that I need a soft drink once in a while. Like now, when I am still hacking sticky gunk from my lungs and sinuses (TMI? Sorry.) It feels good going down my throat. I like the sweetness of the stuff, even though it is artificial.

I do, however, drink strong and wonderful coffee several times a week, so maybe that will help balance the couple of times a month diet root beer. Yes?

I am not going to worry too much, though, because all I have to do is wait a couple of months before something else comes out about something else.

Please do not jump all over Simpleton-me, it is just that when I read this article I could hardly think for all the Oh, rats! Darns! Holey-Moleys! and I cannot take it...just stab me with a bottle opener!

I said some other stuff in my head (still at work), but I am not sharing that. Gah!

1-9-13, 5:10pm
Well we gave up all forms of soft drinks after reading about them and all forms of artificial sweetener --except Stevia which is totally natural and comes from a plant, no side effects. I am addicted to drinking iced tea which my DH makes for me and it comes out so good. Maybe there is something else instead of the soda that would be more satisfying for you?

I follow Dr. Mercola, and try not to get upset about these things but think it is good to be informed....:)

1-9-13, 5:27pm
I only have a bottle or two each month. There is too much sodium in them for my taste and the carbonation is supposed to be not so great on tooth enamel, a special concern for my very elderly teeth. We have tap water that is not wonderful, and I filter and drink water all the time (for my cat, too), and have a couple of mugs of strong coffee a few days each week. So, it is not a sacrifice at all to avoid it.

It is just that I like the stuff. Simple as that. I had a little stevia plant at my old house and the leaves are great. Used them in baking and in iced tea, and sometimes just chewed on a leaf. I am not a fan of processed stevia, that white powder, but it is like anything else. Someone likes it and someone else does not.

1-9-13, 5:28pm
I read that article too--here's a link to the NBC article (http://vitals.nbcnews.com/_news/2013/01/08/16417285-drinking-diet-soda-linked-to-depression). (I didn't see a link in your post, Jilly).

I don't drink soda at all... weaned myself off it several years ago. BUT, I really liked what they had to say about coffee:

By contrast, people who drank four or more cups of coffee a day were 10 percent less likely to have been diagnosed with depression compared to non-coffee drinkers.

Last year, coffee was linked to longevity:

people who drank two or more cups of coffee per day were 10 to 16 percent less likely to have died than nondrinkers. A single cup a day provided less apparent benefit. Women seemed to get more out of drinking ample java than men; women who drank six cups of coffee per day had a 15 percent reduced risk of death compared with nondrinkers, while men consuming that much had only a 10 percent reduced risk.

Wow. All I'm saying is, with all the coffee I drink (about 3-4 cups a day) I'm going to be one happy old lady!

1-9-13, 5:28pm
Oh, just saw the reference to Dr. MerCOLA! Too cool! I will have to find out who he is.

1-9-13, 5:30pm
Ooops, here it is:

American Academy of Neurology
Hold the diet soda?...

1-9-13, 5:31pm
I do not know much about the study because it is not being fully presented until their annual meeting in March, but it looks like sugared soft drinks, as well as the ones with aspertame, might be linked to depression.

It's often been my suspicion that caffeine just by itself is. I vowed to give up caffeine again (black tea) several weeks ago, did to a large extent but getting off it hasn't at all gone smoothly, though my skin was clearer and I was less tired and so on when off caffeine. But I might just end up quitting my quitting caffeine ;) Alhough as far as sodas go I suppose the sugar and artifical stuff (flavors, colors etc.) might also look suspicious as well.

1-9-13, 5:32pm
Wow. All I'm saying is, with all the coffee I drink (about 3-4 cups a day) I'm going to be one happy old lady!

Wow, yourself! You might end of being the final surviving member of the forum.:~)

1-9-13, 7:33pm
Hey Jilly, I wouldn't think a couple a month would do you any harm. All things in moderation, right?
It's funny, but my Mom went on a diet when I was a kid of about 10 or so, and she stopped buying soda. And I totally lost my taste for it - probably haven't had one in over 40 years. It just isn't anything it would even occur to me to drink. The closest I come is an occasional lemonade in the summer. Now wine, on the other hand . . .

1-9-13, 10:08pm
Trying to find the perfect nutrition plan is like playing that crazy Wack-a-Mole game! Just when you think you've got it, something else pops up with some ridiculous statistic such as the one stated in the NBC article mentioned earlier in the thread:

"...women who drank six cups of coffee per day had a 15 percent reduced risk of death compared with nondrinkers, while men consuming that much had only a 10 percent reduced risk."

I see these statements all the time and they make no sense whatsoever! 100% of us die. No one gets out alive. There aren't those 15% of women who drink coffee out there living forever nor 10% of men living forever.

Enjoy your couple of Dt. Root Beers a month :)

1-9-13, 10:11pm
I admit to loving caffeine-free diet Coke with lots of ice, even in the middle of winter. I love the "buzz". I do limit myself to one a day, at lunch time, otherwise I have to, ahem, run to the bathroom a lot. We also drink a lot of caffeine-free iced tea sweetened with stevia. If I feel I NEED some caffeine I have the little 200 mg tablets, which I cut into quarters, so one (50mg) is just a little more than one can of Coke, but I can't remember the last time I used one.

We seldom eat sweet things (like pastries or candy or the like) at all anymore except during holidays when it's hard to avoid them, and we use stevia or xylitol at home. I finally figured out how much stevia to use in 1/2 gal tea (1 scant teaspoon) but measuring it for other things is just too complicated, so for any other time we want the sweet taste, like in a restaurant, I carry xylitol with me. DH likes brown sugar mixed half and half with xylitol with his oatmeal.

We really would like to reduce/eliminate our cola addiction, but we love the taste, the "buzz". It's a process.

I wish I liked coffee but I can't stand the taste even though I love the smell. Perhaps I should try a specialty blend or something.

1-9-13, 10:15pm
It looks like I'm going to have to up my coffee intake! Currently I drink 2 cups/day on weekdays, possibly 3 if I didn't sleep well the night before. None on the weekends unless we're on vacation and eating breakfast out. Then I have one or two cups with breakfast.

I probably drink about as much soda as Jilly (sugared though, not diet), perhaps a couple per month, usually if I have to take clients out for lunch just so I have something besides water on those occasions. Long ago I cut way back on soda after reading about the concerns that it potentially causes diabetes. Since diabetes is rampant in my family I'd just as soon do everything I can to try and avoid it. Thankfully it sounds like the amount I drink isn't going to depress me, just as my average of ten cups of coffee per week isn't going to make me immortal.

1-9-13, 10:21pm
I drink little enough soda these days (maybe 8-10 times a year at most?), I don't worry about the sugar or the caffeine. Love ginger beer - and Whole Foods has some on the more expensive side that is really quite good. But I don't have it very often.

Coffee and beer are another matter - I could do with cutting back a bit on both.

pony mom
1-9-13, 10:50pm
Due to my 'supertaster' sensitivities, I never could drink anything carbonated. When I was young and very shy and quiet, when soda was served I never asked for something different to drink and would be parched at my friends' parties.

Nowadays it's much easier to find a vending machine selling water or iced tea than it was years ago. I drink mostly water and usually 1% milk with a dessert.

Not a coffee or tea drinker either. I'm a weird one.

1-9-13, 10:53pm
Coffeeeee! Yummm. And Mercola... Is he the don't get vaccinated dude? That sinks it for me.

1-10-13, 1:20am
Don't the medical journals, define as life: A terminal, sexually transmitted creation?

1-10-13, 4:53am
I've always believed in all things in moderation. I enjoy the occasional soda myself! :)

1-10-13, 7:35am

I like to have a Coke (and a smile), every now and then, but overall, I don't drink much soda.

1-10-13, 9:01am
I don't drink sodas, but DH does. Any suggestions from those of you who have "kicked the habit" regarding other options to have available in lieu of sugary bubbles? He is not much of a tea drinker, "likes something with taste" (not water) with a meal and also loves the smell, but wont touch coffee.

I do however love black coffee and tea. Born and raised in the south, I was raised on sweet tea. I slowly weened myself off of it a few years ago by mixing it with unsweet. I tried switching his regular soda with a lower calorie one and there they still sit in the fridge.

1-10-13, 9:30am
I don't drink sodas, but DH does. Any suggestions from those of you who have "kicked the habit" regarding other options to have available in lieu of sugary bubbles? He is not much of a tea drinker, "likes something with taste" (not water) with a meal and also loves the smell, but wont touch coffee.

We don't do soda in our house but we do do juice mixed with seltzer water. Yum :) Pineapple & seltzer, cranberry & seltzer etc. I think it's a great alternative to soda.

Float On
1-10-13, 9:39am
I've had several times in my life where I've given up the Diet Coke and then I fall off the wagon and go overboard on it. I know I should give it up but it's hard. I like buying it at McDonald's because they double filter their water. I've tried switching to tea but I don't know what it is in tea but something about it gives me heartburn. I drink lots of coffee too.

1-10-13, 9:55am
We don't do soda in our house but we do do juice mixed with seltzer water. Yum :) Pineapple & seltzer, cranberry & seltzer etc. I think it's a great alternative to soda.

Great idea. As you can probably tell from my previous post, DH is quite picky. Excited to try it.

1-10-13, 10:20am
Great idea. As you can probably tell from my previous post, DH is quite picky. Excited to try it.

Hope he likes it :)

Zoe Girl
1-10-13, 10:42am
[QUOTE=Dhiana;123433]Trying to find the perfect nutrition plan is like playing that crazy Wack-a-Mole game!

That made me laugh,

I am probably doing something rotten to my body with the soda. That is coming down, quit smoking back in summer which was the biggest change so I am pretty easy on myself at this point. HoweverI find it takes a lot of other things in my life to support things like not drinking soda (exercise, meditation, friends, manageable stress) so one baby step at a time

Miss Cellane
1-10-13, 12:22pm
It's all about moderation, IMO. The people in the study who were at risk were drinking 4 or more cans a day of soda. A bottle or two of root beer every month? Not even in the same ballpark.

And you know, when they start researching why this happens, they may find out that it's not the soda after all. Maybe drinking that much soda means that they aren't eating or drinking something else--and it's that *lack* that puts them at risk for depression.

It's like the recent study that weighing a bit more than what is currently perceived as healthy could have health benefits. Scientists and doctors are scrambling now to figure that one out--because it goes against the most commonly accepted beliefs.

1-10-13, 12:48pm
I've had several times in my life where I've given up the Diet Coke and then I fall off the wagon and go overboard on it. I know I should give it up but it's hard. I like buying it at McDonald's because they double filter their water. I've tried switching to tea but I don't know what it is in tea but something about it gives me heartburn. I drink lots of coffee too.

Hi float on , does green tea also give you heartburn? There is white tea too which I love it is light maybe that may help?

1-10-13, 1:01pm
I think I have a soft drink every few years since we gave them up at least ten years ago. The last Coke I had tasted like syrup on fire - too sweet, too carbonated - so I guess my tastes have changed. I don't even know how people can like diet sodas too much - to me they taste nasty. We always have a pitcher of iced tea. Our go-to standard is hibiscus mint but I try lots of different ones both herbal and caffeinated.

Float On
1-10-13, 1:08pm
Hi float on , does green tea also give you heartburn? There is white tea too which I love it is light maybe that may help?

Any tea I try will eventually give me heart burn. Not sure why and I love it. Doesn't matter hot or cold or how prepared. I don't like lemon in tea (though I usually add a slice to diet coke) and I don't like sweet tea.

1-10-13, 1:16pm
That's too bad Float On....

1-10-13, 1:18pm
Our go-to standard is hibiscus mint but I try lots of different ones both herbal and caffeinated.

That sounds good! Red Zinger makes a great iced tea as well - I add honey and lemon.

1-10-13, 5:07pm
I may have posted this before (my memory ain't so good no more) ...

... anyway, back in the late '80s/early '90s a test was done to find the best tasting soda -- and diet Coke won, hands down. We didn't drink much soda in those days, but #2 son was a diehard Pepsi fan (still is). So got one can of each and I poured some in paper cups, properly disguised so no one but me could tell the difference, and had him taste them. Long story short, he liked diet Coke best, and Pepsi last (he said it was because the Pepsi was in a paper cup which made it taste bad), so ... a week later we did it again, tho this time I used glasses, and the results were the same (this time he said he was upset because the 49ers lost a game :D ). A couple of days later we bought a diet Coke and a Pepsi and poured out the Pepsi and poured the diet Coke into the can, and he never noticed. We had a good laugh over it, but he won't give in and still drinks Pepsi only. I prefer diet Coke to diet Pepsi, but can't tell the difference if I don't know which I'm drinking, but if I can taste both at the same time I can definitely tell the difference -- Pepsi is sweeter, and diet Coke is sharper, more lemony. DH prefers diet Pepsi (in the can) and I prefer caffeine-free diet Coke (in a glass, with LOTS of ice), so we have to buy both.

But I've only had one today, at lunch, and it was good, and it is good that I will only have one.

One note: I didn't "laugh" because the 49ers lost a game -- I'm an AVID 49ers fan -- but rather at #2 son for using that as an excuse ...

1-10-13, 5:41pm
I don't drink sodas, but DH does. Any suggestions from those of you who have "kicked the habit" regarding other options to have available in lieu of sugary bubbles? He is not much of a tea drinker, "likes something with taste" (not water) with a meal and also loves the smell, but wont touch coffee.

I came off sodas with the little glass bottled sweetened starbucks lattes you can buy at the store (I'm told Target has good prices). Vanilla is the less caffinated, mocha the crazy caffination. They aren't much like coffee, they are sugar drinks, but they do of course contain coffee. They are a complete rip off in price of course, and the sugar will rot your teeth just like soda, but I do think they are a small step up from soda from a health perspective if one is looking for a sweet caffeine delivery system. I've evolved a lot and now like black tea with cream and no sugar when I consume caffeine but ... baby steps.

I am probably doing something rotten to my body with the soda. That is coming down, quit smoking back in summer which was the biggest change so I am pretty easy on myself at this point. HoweverI find it takes a lot of other things in my life to support things like not drinking soda (exercise, meditation, friends, manageable stress) so one baby step at a time

Oh totally, cigarettes are much worse than almost anything from a health perspective. Much worse than eating transfats or being chubby or drinking sodas, none of that is anything compared to cigs.

I don't even know how people can like diet sodas too much - to me they taste nasty.

Totally agreed. Aweful tasting. And no way I would touch most sugar substitutes (except stevia, small amounts of zylitol).

1-10-13, 10:38pm
Any kombucha drinkers? A little fizzy and one of those things that people really seem to like - or they really don't. I love it.

1-10-13, 11:15pm
We don't do soda in our house but we do do juice mixed with seltzer water. Yum :) Pineapple & seltzer, cranberry & seltzer etc. I think it's a great alternative to soda.

I've been doing this for years! I usually do about 2/3 seltzer and 1/3 juice so there's not so many calories, plenty of fizz, a good amount of taste but not too sweet. Anymore if I have straight juice I'm caught off guard by how intense the flavor is. We've got a few weeks of last summer's CSA strawberries in the freezer. I've been thinking about getting them out and crushing them with the hand blender to mix with seltzer for a change. The texture may be a bit odd, but hopefully it'll be a nice change from my usual cranberry juice.

1-11-13, 12:05am
Diet Coke...from McDonald's is the best and my down fall. The $ 1.00 large drink is a deal and some McDonalds will re-fill the large plastic cups for 60 cents. Such a deal. I don't know why it is so satisfying, so refreshing. In fact I have one sitting on the desk right now! One of my last vices.

1-11-13, 9:28am
I've been doing this for years! I usually do about 2/3 seltzer and 1/3 juice so there's not so many calories, plenty of fizz, a good amount of taste but not too sweet. Anymore if I have straight juice I'm caught off guard by how intense the flavor is. We've got a few weeks of last summer's CSA strawberries in the freezer. I've been thinking about getting them out and crushing them with the hand blender to mix with seltzer for a change. The texture may be a bit odd, but hopefully it'll be a nice change from my usual cranberry juice.

that's exactly what I do as well 2/3 seltzer and 1/3 juice. Juice alone is way too sweet for me. On it's own I usually dilute the juice with at least 1/2 water. And it makes it last twice as long :)

Aqua Blue
1-11-13, 10:12am
I've been doing this for years! I usually do about 2/3 seltzer and 1/3 juice so there's not so many calories, plenty of fizz, a good amount of taste but not too sweet. Anymore if I have straight juice I'm caught off guard by how intense the flavor is. We've got a few weeks of last summer's CSA strawberries in the freezer. I've been thinking about getting them out and crushing them with the hand blender to mix with seltzer for a change. The texture may be a bit odd, but hopefully it'll be a nice change from my usual cranberry juice.
I wonder if you could do an infusion of the strawberries. leave the strawberries in some water in the frig for say 24 hours and then pour off the juice. I like infusions particularly in the summer. I really like cucmber and lime. I'll have to try it with seltzer.

1-11-13, 10:21am
I wonder if you could do an infusion of the strawberries. leave the strawberries in some water in the frig for say 24 hours and then pour off the juice. I like infusions particularly in the summer. I really like cucmber and lime. I'll have to try it with seltzer.

That sounds like a great idea!

1-11-13, 10:36am
My grandkids are really hooked on a "Nanny cocktail" = 1/3 juice (pure juice, usually juicy-juice fruit punch or berry), 1/3 water, and 1/3 lemon-lime soda. If it's a really special occasion, they get a maraschino cherry with a drib of juice, too. Gives them the sugar and the fizz, but with less calories and a small amount of nutrition.