Conversation Between gimmethesimplelife and Tammy

2 Visitor Messages

  1. I’m going to ask Alan to delete my stuff, as soon as I message a few people. I’m done. “Coup” thread was the end of the road for me.

    I’m messaging a few people in case they want to stay in touch. We’re both Phoenix people and I’ve appreciated your sense of social justice.

    My email is I tweet at @TammySchoch. Instagram is tammy.schoch.

    I wish you the best.
  2. If you ever miss work because of going to a protest, let me know and I’ll cover your missed pay.

    The few times I’ve done the Heart Walk or something similar I’ve had a migraine for the next day or so - because of overheating and the direct sun. So I stay in the shade and don’t march. But what I can do is cover your pay so you can march.

    I can’t believe what’s happening on our borders. It makes me so angry. How can this be America?!?

    Someday we’ll meet in person. We are living in each other’s backyards.
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