Older Activity
9-8-24, 6:47pm
This was not about your PERMANENT emergency fund, but a smaller one while paying down debt. BIG difference.
301 replies | 40669 view(s)
9-8-24, 6:36pm
Yes, has this thing that first interview should on the phone or a video call. When I tell her this is the way things used to be, she tells me to get...
4309 replies | 1293361 view(s)
9-8-24, 3:14pm
I was having an interesting discussion elsewhere about the size of TEMPORARY emergency fund while paying off debt. DR has recommended $1K for...
301 replies | 40669 view(s)
9-8-24, 2:18pm
She says she can't afford to. Keeps telling me she's worried about money. Yet, she turns down an interview simply because they want to do it in...
4309 replies | 1293361 view(s)
9-8-24, 2:12pm
Do you NEED to have all this paper? Are you getting your bills via mail or electronically?
35 replies | 4071 view(s)
9-8-24, 2:00pm
A 62 yo friend has been out of work for about 4 months. She got laid off when her company got bought out by another. She's not had a lot of luck...
4309 replies | 1293361 view(s)
9-8-24, 8:47am
So is the Dewey Decimal System still used? I somehow got the impression it wasn’t?
I just finished The Court of Thorns and Roses series by Sarah...
88 replies | 12410 view(s)
9-7-24, 5:18pm
What I don't get is that the west coast union strikes every 5-6 years but the east coast/gulf union hasn't gone out since 1977!
0 replies | 25 view(s)
9-7-24, 5:00pm
Oh, I know not all BS is equal. The BS I had at the 13.5 year job I was laid off from in 2020 was extremely toxic. Then the next job (the WFH one)...
9 replies | 168 view(s)
9-7-24, 1:14pm
Just saw that elsewhere. I'd forgotten some of the songs he had done.
2 replies | 43 view(s)
9-6-24, 3:11pm
IL, I toss most out the cards. I keep a few each year.
14 replies | 134 view(s)
9-6-24, 12:38pm
I send maybe 150 cards. And get about that many. I’m part of a British author fan group on FB and we’ve been doing a holiday card exchange for about...
14 replies | 134 view(s)
9-6-24, 12:37pm
I’m 55. I plan on working until 70 or longer as long as my health holds out. People here think I’m nuts but I’m single. I’d be bored at home. Yes, I...
9 replies | 168 view(s)
9-6-24, 10:31am
Good luck! My Christmas decorations consist of a 2ft tall tabletop tree and decorations. Some years I get a small poinsettia. That’s it. I will...
14 replies | 134 view(s)
9-5-24, 12:53pm
Happy, yes, the paying down debt and stuffing savings is uppermost on my mind, given my age (55). It’s just a matter of how much BS.
9 replies | 168 view(s)
9-4-24, 11:20pm
Incorrect apostrophe use. Can’t take them seriously
314 replies | 49948 view(s)
9-4-24, 8:37pm
I make nice money at current job, much more than the average, but there’s a bunch of BS. I talked to the recruiter I got current job through and she...
9 replies | 168 view(s)
9-2-24, 12:48pm
I like magazines such as the New Yorker. I can get it free through my library via Libby. And magazines don't count toward your 10 item monthly loan...
30 replies | 1498 view(s)
9-2-24, 12:07pm
How old is your phone?
4309 replies | 1293361 view(s)
9-1-24, 9:50pm
That’s great. I need to go back to Aldi. I’ve been doing Walmart for a bit.
30 replies | 1498 view(s)
8-29-24, 1:22pm
Haha! Thanks! I’m still having pain(cramps). Sometimes the Motrin doesn’t do it. Had to leave at lunchtime yesterday as I needed to commune with my...
4309 replies | 1293361 view(s)
8-28-24, 5:58pm
Good choice
16 replies | 456 view(s)
8-26-24, 10:06pm
Yep. Sure is!
301 replies | 40669 view(s)
8-26-24, 9:22pm
Oops - I put this one the wrong thread.
4309 replies | 1293361 view(s)
8-26-24, 7:15pm
Biopsy results from last Thursday’s procedure are NEGATIVE! Yay! Happy Snoopy dance time!!
301 replies | 40669 view(s)
8-26-24, 7:14pm
Biopsy results from last Thursday’s procedure are NEGATIVE! Yay! Happy Snoopy dance time!!
4309 replies | 1293361 view(s)
8-26-24, 2:28pm
Agreed with Bae. New one. Don’t waste your time. Someone just posted on FB asking about how to resurrect a 10 year old Windows laptop. They have the...
16 replies | 456 view(s)
8-25-24, 6:36pm
102 Minutes - about the attack and collapse of the north tower of the World Trade Center.
Never forget, and never, ever forgive.
88 replies | 12410 view(s)
8 replies | 354 view(s)
8-24-24, 2:15pm
I am sick and tired of people bellyaching about how much their homeowner's insurance has gone up. These are people who CHOOSE to live in California...
4309 replies | 1293361 view(s)
8-24-24, 9:46am
I’m not that worried about the cancer diagnosis. Doc previously said she wasn’t that worried, but it had to be checked out due to the very slight...
301 replies | 40669 view(s)
8-24-24, 6:21am
I got that book when it first came out. Love it.
88 replies | 12410 view(s)
8-23-24, 9:50am
I’m feeling pretty good. I hurt a wee bit (crampy), but that’s it. Heating pad and Motrin did the trick. I’m ignoring the stronger stuff doc...
301 replies | 40669 view(s)
8-22-24, 4:14pm
Home. Tired and groggy. Wonderful friend not only drove me, but also made me some soup - chicken broth with carrots, celery, and small pasta, plus...
301 replies | 40669 view(s)
8-21-24, 10:12pm
Planning on it. A retired friend from church is taking me tomorrow and getting me home, too. My apartment is clean, bedding all freshly washed,...
301 replies | 40669 view(s)
8-21-24, 7:29pm
My library did away with Hoopla a year or two ago.
My rant: D&C tomorrow. Yuck. No baths for two weeks. I live in the tub. Showers Ok.
4309 replies | 1293361 view(s)
8-21-24, 7:19pm
D&C tomorrow. When I pre-registered with the hospital online today, I was told I owed $3500. That’s the rest of my deductible this year. I have a...
301 replies | 40669 view(s)
8-21-24, 7:36am
72 were arrested yesterday after a protest in front of the Israel consulate here in Chicago. They attempted to break through a police bike line...
39 replies | 1034 view(s)
8-20-24, 1:28pm
There were many less pro-Palestinian protestors yesterday than were expected. LOL.
39 replies | 1034 view(s)
8-19-24, 8:06pm
Oops. Thanks.
19 replies | 588 view(s)
8-19-24, 7:14pm
I bet this is tied to her cancer. A former coworker had cancer and lost such feeling in his feet he couldn’t drive anymore.
I’m so sorry to hear...
19 replies | 588 view(s)
8-19-24, 5:18pm
I listen to BBC Radio a lot so I have some thoughts. Muslims who don’t assimilate are a problem. The UK is used to Indians who came already knowing...
3 replies | 215 view(s)
8-18-24, 9:15pm
My blow the dough is to simply have the money to buy all the books I want. And since I buy ebooks, they don’t take up physical room.
18 replies | 475 view(s)
8-18-24, 8:40pm
Are you actually blaming businesses for boarding up? Just four years ago downtown Chicago was looted and some stores burned in those riots. People...
39 replies | 1034 view(s)
8-18-24, 3:47pm
A friend of mine works at a big bank downtown. They're in the office 5 days a week. They were all told to work from home beginning late last week...
39 replies | 1034 view(s)
36 replies | 12073 view(s)
8-17-24, 12:03pm
The tariffs would be a huge problem. So much is imported and we don’t make much here anymore. Not do we have the capacity to just turn it on. The...
57 replies | 1894 view(s)
8-17-24, 11:58am
I might buy one if those dinky pumpkins at the grocery store for a fall decoration on my kitchen breakfast bar - big counter between LR and kitchen....
9 replies | 296 view(s)
8-17-24, 11:55am
Helped a FB friend with deciding on a new iPhone to replace her 6. That’s very old! Helped her to decipher Verizon’s website and told about features...
2619 replies | 655373 view(s)
8-15-24, 9:14pm
Maybe look for something called a ranch condo. It’s ground floor with a garage. We have a number of them in my Chicago suburb.
19 replies | 547 view(s)
8-14-24, 7:14am
Went through the three drawer rolling cart I use for desk storage. Touched stationary I don’t like and no longer use. Put aside highlighters and...
30 replies | 1457 view(s)
8-14-24, 7:11am
I’m sorry she drive people away but I was very happy when she left.
6030 replies | 1085593 view(s)
8-13-24, 10:29am
I think Tammy left due to the former resident anti masker.
6030 replies | 1085593 view(s)
8-13-24, 10:15am
What about the insurance costs for the boat charter? Glad it went well.
2619 replies | 655373 view(s)
8-12-24, 8:41pm
Not me. The two people I know with long covid got it in the first wave. One was a diving friend. She ended up with severe neurological issues. Had to...
6030 replies | 1085593 view(s)
2619 replies | 655373 view(s)
8-12-24, 4:27pm
I have my d & c on the 22nd. Can’t dive or take a bath (showers OK) for two weeks after. So nothing until Sept
Yes, I had a fab time. Lots of...
2619 replies | 655373 view(s)
8-11-24, 9:50pm
Sorry to hear. I had massive chills in January when I had it for the first time. Also fully vaxxed. Did a telehealth appt with doctor and was able to...
6030 replies | 1085593 view(s)
8-11-24, 9:42pm
Got back in the water today after 314 days dry. Just a shallow 45 min dive with a friend looking at the fish. She got some fun photos.
2619 replies | 655373 view(s)
8-11-24, 7:10am
Awww, very cute.
115 replies | 26740 view(s)