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    I’m going to ask Alan to delete my stuff, as soon as I message a few people. I’m done. “Coup” thread was the end of the road for me.

    I’m messaging a few people in case they want to stay in touch. We’re both Phoenix people and I’ve appreciated your sense of social justice.

    My email is I tweet at @TammySchoch. Instagram is tammy.schoch.

    I wish you the best.
  2. Tammy, Hi! Wow, I am floored, this is so kind of you.....Thank You. I am doing better these days since I was promoted to Site Supervisor and since it's my slow time of the year it's not hard to get time off or switch with another's so slow this is true even with vacations having been approved. So I'm OK....but Thank You. And I do hope we meet one day - truly we are in each other's backyards and I wouldn't be surprised if we've passed by one another at some point over the years. Rob

    PS I came back to add that I could not agree more - even with my takes on America over the years and my dark view of things, even I am floored. This IS catching a lot of people's attention, though, and some people are asking questions such as you and's not going completely unnnoticed. I don't recognize this country from the hopeful place it was the night Barack Obama was elected in November 2008 - it's a very different place now. Not liking what it's become.......Rob
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    If you ever miss work because of going to a protest, let me know and I’ll cover your missed pay.

    The few times I’ve done the Heart Walk or something similar I’ve had a migraine for the next day or so - because of overheating and the direct sun. So I stay in the shade and don’t march. But what I can do is cover your pay so you can march.

    I can’t believe what’s happening on our borders. It makes me so angry. How can this be America?!?

    Someday we’ll meet in person. We are living in each other’s backyards.
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