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2 Visitor Messages

  1. No. Joseph and I are quite distinct.

    Actually, I should add that we've met in person. He and his wife are fine people and it was a pleasure to share their space for a few hours. I might have a picture of that event around somewhere...
  2. View Conversation
    Are you also jrb3 (or something close to that, not sure I can remember the other username . . . )
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About Jonathan

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About Jonathan
A long time follower of the principles in YMOYL, Jonathan spends his days whiling away the hours, contemplating the whereness of when, playing keyboards, and volunteering.

But until The Day Job is gone, the above dream will not be the case, so he sneaks in little bits here and there.
The southern Minnesota tundra
Acting, writing, and all the construction associated with home ownership.
Supporting tools for software developers


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1-10-11 9:30am
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3-22-14 2:05pm
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