Older Activity
2-10-25, 10:52am
Good call, RR. My thoughts, exactly.
13 replies | 294 view(s)
2-10-25, 10:50am
okay-----from the 'net(F-book)But yeah---see photo. Thank mee.
75 replies | 17344 view(s)
2-10-25, 10:21am
okay----i took off my tinfoil-lined ball cap long enough to intercept the following: the Eagles were allowed to win, so as to reduce the possibility...
75 replies | 17344 view(s)
2-10-25, 1:16am
okay-----guess what? Another murder! But yeah---a dead body was found laying in the road, downtown. Yup. Well---I would not advice anyone to move...
193 replies | 33661 view(s)
2-10-25, 12:57am
okay---this just in; the local po-po's(who should've been defunded & disbanded when Yo was presy-dent), snagged this lil ol gal off da street....
193 replies | 33661 view(s)
2-9-25, 7:43pm
gooooo---Huskeees!!!! I really think they oughtta give people their moneys' worth, and have tag-teams and then require that they play & play until...
75 replies | 17344 view(s)
2-9-25, 2:18pm
okay----I don't know if you kids know it---but yeah----today is THE big day for Big Football! Yup. They are having that contest to which group of...
75 replies | 17344 view(s)
2-8-25, 10:40pm
okay---'nother one I heard on a skating rink group or maybe a jumprope video is a recording given credit to vocalist Shakira called: Whenever,...
243 replies | 49925 view(s)
2-8-25, 10:03pm
okay---this new wave kinda hipster-type got picked up for old-fashioned DUI. (see photo)
193 replies | 33661 view(s)
2-8-25, 6:22pm
okay-----as church lady might say: "what have we here?". So anyway---a y'all(bro) from E. St Louis wuz living here, and of course, bro's are simply...
193 replies | 33661 view(s)
2-8-25, 3:57pm
okay---here it is. But yeah----i guess she agreed to it. but, it did not last long. Nope.(see photo)
1 replies | 48 view(s)
2-8-25, 5:53am
okay----well, wasn't he? Not only was Albie a nobel-prize-winning humanitarian, who wrote on a chalkboard the recipe needed to make the A-Bomb, but...
1 replies | 48 view(s)
2-8-25, 4:07am
Okay---this just made the news---one o' the lots in Hasta LaVista, Callyfornia---one that had an older(maybe 40's) home that burned, went on the...
13 replies | 294 view(s)
2-8-25, 3:53am
okay---I tell ya what---I got an idea for that lovely historic home in 'toona(IWAH, the meat state). See---I ran across this tourist attraction...
50 replies | 20563 view(s)
2-6-25, 4:43pm
TYVM, RR. Like I always say---that's progress! Ha. But yeah---here's another VERY interesting thing: I did purchase a nice, new bike back in 1986....
1172 replies | 169905 view(s)
2-6-25, 12:23pm
One quality inbreds seem to have(stereotype) is expediency--i.e. git 'er done ASAP, and leave no short cut untaken. When they "restore" something,...
13 replies | 294 view(s)
2-5-25, 12:20pm
okay----the case i just described is not the first house this slick-n-dirty inbred has bought, slicked, and hired a sissy realtor to flip at 3 times...
13 replies | 294 view(s)
2-4-25, 5:52pm
Okay----just a little while ago, i was on the porch, and it's a little chilly and misting rain. But, again--here comes T Brown, in his turtle-like...
1172 replies | 169905 view(s)
2-4-25, 10:39am
okay---it is a problem, one that contributes to escalating housing prices. That, and honey-whipped guys who are all-thumbs, that "need" move-in-ready...
13 replies | 294 view(s)
2-4-25, 9:36am
okay---another scofflaw in custody. But yeah---those italian-american ladies are hot, aren't they? Her stats indicate she's getting a little chunky,...
193 replies | 33661 view(s)
2-4-25, 9:10am
okay---my petts NEED mee, and of course, I need them. Well, don't I? They, are a LOT easier to get along with, than people, even though people...
2 replies | 192 view(s)
2-4-25, 1:57am
okay--keep enough instant rice and hot sauce to put on it, amd you'll be fine. Yup.
9 replies | 290 view(s)
2-4-25, 1:30am
okay---Elroy(or whoever) is certainly VERY handy; It looks great. Yup. But WHY did it take a whole 3 years to finally get around to finishing that...
551 replies | 102263 view(s)
2-3-25, 10:06pm
okay---more possibilities: blood pressure medications and statins(cholsterol-lowering drugs). They will do it too. That's why people stop taking...
14 replies | 473 view(s)
2-3-25, 3:32pm
okay--i been thinking about attending church services so i can pray that these tariffs don't affect the price of ooooold Packkard parts. Nope. But...
21 replies | 453 view(s)
2-2-25, 11:40pm
okay-----Today, I saw T. Bwown strolling across the yard, heading out back. He doesn't stop for foods & a pat, any more. Last time I saw him was...
1172 replies | 169905 view(s)
2-2-25, 6:48pm
okay---well, thank you for your attention! I crave it, don't you know? Anyway, I'm gonna live and let live with this ebike thing; go ahead and buy...
59 replies | 1368 view(s)
2-2-25, 3:34pm
okay----i been sitting around when I should be doing something constructive, like YARD WORK!!! But, it's cold outside. Ha. Anyway, summa the videos...
1172 replies | 169905 view(s)
2-2-25, 3:15pm
okay-----rice. you kids needta eat mo' rice. Forget the chickkin', the Pork chops & bacon, the lockered beef. That all costs waaaay too much. But...
20 replies | 412 view(s)
2-2-25, 2:54pm
Are you saying this regime might enact strict vagrancy laws, and enforce them?
5 replies | 120 view(s)
2-2-25, 12:34am
okay----we evidently have a problem with homeless people, living off the land, scavaging and in the process, violating many social norms. So, before...
5 replies | 120 view(s)
2-1-25, 6:52pm
okay----back in the Valley, 60 years ago, I was riding my cheap, self-powered single-speed coaster brake, self-powered Murray bicycle back in the...
1172 replies | 169905 view(s)
2-1-25, 6:20pm
okay----I got to thinking about this, and I was thinking Oswald, Oswald, Oswald. Finally, I realized that LHO was identified in the 1981 exhumation...
14 replies | 473 view(s)
2-1-25, 1:51am
okay-----last week---no wait---the week before last----I was listening to an old Rolling Stones tune which you could file under: "Baroque Rock",...
243 replies | 49925 view(s)
1-29-25, 12:01pm
hAl, a detour is in order for people who believe weeniEBikes will compensate for their lack of fitness to ride a bicycle. It won't. How is trying to...
59 replies | 1368 view(s)
1-29-25, 11:53am
okay-----stop what? When you fall off of your weeeniEBike while going along at 25 mph without even having to pedal much at all, and land on the...
59 replies | 1368 view(s)
1-28-25, 10:19pm
okay----if i hear any more comments about weeniEBikes-for-people-with-disabilities, I'm going to go into business making ice skates for people with...
59 replies | 1368 view(s)
1-28-25, 2:47pm
okay----here's a testimonial from a couple people who are heavy, but are going the distance on non-weeniEBikes. (see photo). Bottom line: don't NEED...
59 replies | 1368 view(s)
1-28-25, 1:43am
okay----weeniEBikes are a gateway to laziness in doing everything. I mean--if you use the elevator, are you eventually going to use the stairs? I...
59 replies | 1368 view(s)
1-27-25, 8:31pm
okay----another thing you kids with money-to-burn to spend on stuff that shows you are in-the-IN-crowd, is StupidBowl tickicks! (did i spell that...
59 replies | 1368 view(s)
1-27-25, 4:27pm
okay-----i been sitting back in my e-z chair with a big bag o' jiffy pop, watching old Tom Mix Moo---vvveees. Yup.
140 replies | 30471 view(s)
1-27-25, 4:17pm
okay-----here's a notification i got on facebook; it is a suggestion that i apply for that particular visa card or whatever, so i can enjoy The Good...
1172 replies | 169905 view(s)
1-27-25, 1:43am
okay----but i got a suggestion you might find useful, Albert: I don't know where I heard this, but it was from an industry insider, down at the local...
59 replies | 1368 view(s)
1-27-25, 1:33am
okay-----things are going well. hopefully, for awhile the usa's main export will be colombians, mexxicans, Venezualans, Guatemalans, etc., etc., who...
152 replies | 3771 view(s)
1-26-25, 4:46pm
okay---did you kids see that? The Xpeak 2.0 is the latest thing for only $1,399! Plus tx & any ups and extras a crafty retailer can sell you, so you...
59 replies | 1368 view(s)
1-26-25, 2:58am
okay---here's a cute house that would be economical to build & maintain; just use cardboard & glue. But yeah---I'd recommend locating it under a...
33 replies | 4871 view(s)
1-25-25, 2:58am
okay---lemme explain. I will use an exaggerated example, to best illustrate it. So, you bike 10 miles on a straight road with a 1% upward gradient. ...
59 replies | 1368 view(s)
1-24-25, 12:58am
okay----this local gal was a teacher in one a the nearby bedroom communities. So, anyway---she went ta court, and got probation for "dating" one a...
193 replies | 33661 view(s)
1-24-25, 12:54am
okay----this just in----this gal got arrested for suspicion o' murder. Didn't say who the victim is. No more details, except they implied SHE might...
193 replies | 33661 view(s)
1-23-25, 4:53pm
Okay----iwah is flat. But yeah---don't NEED no weeniEBike ta conquer IWAH--it's flat as a waffle! What hills there are, all go downhill. Yup. (see...
59 replies | 1368 view(s)
1-22-25, 6:40pm
okay----thanks, al. 'preciate it. But yeah----I also have an M-21 I'm gonna freshen up, as well. Yup.
2 replies | 291 view(s)
1-22-25, 12:35am
okay---this is a term i heard waaaay back when, before anya you kids were even born. Yup. But yeah---since you asked, I'm planning to fix a couple...
2 replies | 291 view(s)
1-21-25, 11:54pm
okay--another you-tuber who is an immigrant and speaks perfect english has a U-tube video of him solo, playing waaay better blues guitar than bb...
243 replies | 49925 view(s)
1-21-25, 11:14pm
okay---you go into these locations, which are on prime locations, and they have all this stainless-steel and tile floors and walls, way, overstaffed,...
1 replies | 134 view(s)
1-21-25, 10:59pm
okay---another one i always likes is " To the Moon and Back", by the quasi-group Savage Garden. But yeah--an Au record-producers' gem, that has all...
243 replies | 49925 view(s)
1-21-25, 10:00pm
okay--shave, haircut & most likely, a shower. Wouldn't hurt to recolor his hair, too. And Botox, and work on those bags under his eyes. He's SFD,...
243 replies | 49925 view(s)
1-21-25, 9:54pm
okay----this steers the topic in a different direction, but I'm hoping yObama would take his lavish pension and his SS Dtail to Haiti, and make a...
111 replies | 3795 view(s)
1-21-25, 4:48pm
okay----did Elon also say "heil"? I don't believe so. You gotta say heil, and Goose step around, to be a REAL Not-See. Yup.
24 replies | 720 view(s)
1-21-25, 4:43pm
okay---yes---I forgot to mention that there appeared to be a train-tram hauling tourists to the top. Plus, the parking lot and the designated...
11 replies | 280 view(s)