Older Activity
9-17-24, 10:35am
Assasination attempts are "normal", even though statistically rare. If you compile a list of assassinations (or attempts) in the world for the last...
42 replies | 458 view(s)
9-16-24, 6:51pm
okay------i got aqn idea, an o' course it ain't a original one---but it's a good one. so anyway-----there a lot of federal land in nevada, alaska,...
42 replies | 458 view(s)
9-16-24, 2:37pm
okay------here's some old Packard parts I bought offa EBay.(see photo). But yeah----these pieces are scarce, especially in good shape. see----they...
21 replies | 15262 view(s)
9-16-24, 10:19am
okay-----i anticipate that if Trump should get more votes counted than his opponent and be declared the winner, that the Fanaticrats will have to...
8 replies | 143 view(s)
9-16-24, 8:45am
okay--------everyonne KNOWS this was a setup----it is ALL Trumps fault. Yup. Instead of staying in the office and reading up on policy issues, he...
42 replies | 458 view(s)
9-15-24, 6:25pm
okay-----welp, the fanaticrats are at it again, trying to take Trump out, so as to make this a better world, i guess. But yeah----aren't they a...
1138 replies | 153572 view(s)
9-15-24, 5:48pm
okay----i had orange juice, ramen noodles & cookies for dinner. but yeah----alla that stuff is "bad for you", 'cordin ta everyone who ever took up a...
2436 replies | 460691 view(s)
9-14-24, 3:42pm
okay----i had ramen noodles, again.
2436 replies | 460691 view(s)
9-14-24, 1:50pm
okay----tell you what----hearing that fmr President Trump claimed that Haitians in the other Springfields were eating cats caused me to be...
1138 replies | 153572 view(s)
9-11-24, 4:29pm
okay---ramen w/hot sauce & part of a aldi choclit bat and orange juice. no chicken, ever---i don't believe in chicken. nope.
2436 replies | 460691 view(s)
9-11-24, 2:25pm
okay---update on my VERY solid 58 Packard Project. See---the elderly gentleman who owned it for many years evidently crashed it into stationary...
21 replies | 15262 view(s)
9-11-24, 1:33pm
okay----this week there is a 3-day festival, and i prolly will attend at least 1-day. it is named in memory of the manager of a local Walmart who...
1138 replies | 153572 view(s)
9-11-24, 1:36am
okay---got my nice, new valve spring installed-height checking micrometer, and it works great! so, anyway--about half of the spring seats in each...
1138 replies | 153572 view(s)
9-9-24, 11:39am
okay-----this year has had a bumper crop of noxious vegetation, and along with that---mosquitos, ants, crickets, roaches and of course---rodents....
6 replies | 169 view(s)
9-8-24, 2:14pm
okay----they've kinda dropped the price on rammin' noodles, lately. but no---not as cheap as it was before the Bidet regime took over, but prices...
2436 replies | 460691 view(s)
9-8-24, 12:58pm
Well, I recal the cover of the Beatpools song, from my days waaaay up North in Ak. But yeah---that was 55 years ago. The Beatpools rendition was...
4 replies | 124 view(s)
9-5-24, 7:34pm
okay----i came up with another possible use for that unoccupied building up there in Herman that Faux is constantly griping about. With some...
57 replies | 1970 view(s)
9-4-24, 9:54pm
okay-----cats make very good petts. That said, i realize they don't fit into everyones' agenda, especially what a qualified professional like Dr...
116 replies | 26945 view(s)
9-4-24, 2:10pm
okay----usps lost my nice new valve spring height micrometer. so, yeah---will have to order another one, if it doesn't arrive by saturday. ...
1138 replies | 153572 view(s)
9-4-24, 12:24pm
okay------THAT is one of THE most wonderful songs I have ever heard! But yeah---if only they'da sampled the Mop-topped foursome from Beatpool in...
181 replies | 42035 view(s)
9-3-24, 7:43pm
okay-----new music by Dua Lipa, which is new to her, but actually a decade older than she is. See? I enjoy two songs credited to her, butperformed...
140 replies | 34381 view(s)
9-2-24, 3:30pm
okay----something else Dumb you can do, besides get out and DRIVE, for "something to do". So anyway-----you could join one a them Venezuelan Gangs...
73 replies | 16752 view(s)
9-2-24, 1:04pm
okay-------i WAS going to start a thread about the following topic, but yeah---that would be DUMB. So, anyway, my topic is: This extended weekend is...
73 replies | 16752 view(s)
9-1-24, 12:21pm
I'm just wondering if demmacratz could utilize summa that hypersensitivity to be kind to people who don't agree with them?
42 replies | 1117 view(s)
9-1-24, 11:08am
okay-----i was just sitting here, wondering: is the moon really made outta green cheese? just curious.
88 replies | 40579 view(s)
8-29-24, 9:28pm
okay----got started on my lightly-used jodie foster book i bought dirt cheap. its hardcover, for $4. but yeah---seems like i saw a copy at the gro...
89 replies | 12684 view(s)
8-29-24, 8:22pm
okay------this is an update on my situation. i figured out where i put my stuff---several items i put up and could not find. i did not get...
1138 replies | 153572 view(s)
8-29-24, 7:46pm
okay----it is one a them 90 zillion degree days, so not hungry. had canned soup for lunch, cheese-n-crackers for supper. staying hydrated and...
2436 replies | 460691 view(s)
8-29-24, 12:16pm
okay----i guess you are insinuating those catts are demo-catts, waiting to be fed a handout, steada republiCats getting out there and catching mice....
116 replies | 26945 view(s)
8-28-24, 3:22pm
okay-----went on google ta the scene of the car/motorcycle crash that killed an agribusinessman. The view is looking west, the direction the...
6 replies | 417 view(s)
8-27-24, 10:04pm
okay----i tell you what---if you kids would all pitch in an amount equal to or greater than that which you waste on restaurant meals, vacation trips,...
116 replies | 26945 view(s)
8-27-24, 6:37pm
okay----i've told you kids before that traffic is MURDER here in lil ol' Sfd, USA. But yeah----today there was another wreck at the intersection...
174 replies | 29457 view(s)
8-27-24, 1:21pm
okay---i just learned of this tragedy, yesterday, though it happened at the end of last month. so anyway, there was a guy who was a hot-rodder & car...
6 replies | 417 view(s)
73 replies | 16752 view(s)
8-26-24, 9:57pm
yup. my new used book about the love of Hinkleys life(Jody) is from her brothers' POV, but yes he had help from an experienced (ghost) writer, to...
89 replies | 12684 view(s)
8-26-24, 9:51pm
okay-----something stupid that has been getting news coverage is that "burning man" festival out west in the desert. so yeah---70,000 people all...
73 replies | 16752 view(s)
8-26-24, 7:11pm
.....nothing of architectural interest......Ha. Just that it's a modern concrete block commercial building, no doubt with steel trusses, that would...
57 replies | 1970 view(s)
8-26-24, 1:36pm
okay----there's a noo moooo-vveee being released called: "Ya'll Beez Ray-ciss" or something. It is supposed to be a satire something on the order of...
85 replies | 25337 view(s)
8-26-24, 1:13pm
okay---I think that building would make one hell of a body shop. Or else a custom church furniture shop, like the one on the bluff in DC,...
57 replies | 1970 view(s)
8-26-24, 12:58pm
okay-----thats a pretty nice truck ya got there, Catherine. But yeah---some people don't regard an avalache as a REAL truck, though they are wrong. ...
6 replies | 417 view(s)
8-25-24, 8:27pm
okay----by god--here's the kind a truck yer gonna need if yer gonna farm. it's got all the bells-n-whistles. Yup. The whole ball o' wax. (see...
6 replies | 417 view(s)
8-25-24, 12:27pm
okay----i know summa you kids see everything in the context of some moo-veee; there is no boundary between film and reality, right? but yeah---i...
73 replies | 16752 view(s)
8-25-24, 11:18am
okay------little story here, about one a them ill-fated Kenn-O-dees. but yeah---they make their own fate, by doing stupid things. yup. so,...
73 replies | 16752 view(s)
8-24-24, 4:24pm
okay----i personally think that building you are referring to is BEAUTIFUL. Not only that, I have proposed several ideas for using it, without...
57 replies | 1970 view(s)
8-24-24, 1:37pm
okay---sounds like what you have is a Broan(brand) bathroom exhaust fan. but yeah---to COMPLETELY rebuild, refurbish & restore a Broan, you can buy...
5 replies | 491 view(s)
8-23-24, 10:13pm
okay---i have a theory that those shots might've---just might've been a resident firing a shot or two in the air at a prowler sneaking around out...
174 replies | 29457 view(s)
8-23-24, 5:28pm
okay----i have a mommy catt, and two a her offspring. they are all adults & neutered, so don't lecture mee. but yeah---the family units do seem to...
116 replies | 26945 view(s)
8-23-24, 5:22pm
okay----up here in the ghetto, where i live, we have had MUCH excitement. okay----there are prowlers prowling the 'hood, and getting into mischief. ...
174 replies | 29457 view(s)
8-23-24, 12:54am
As far as I know, Leland Sklar simply played bass guitar. It doesn't sound to me as if there were any vocalists other than Bryan Hyland on that...
181 replies | 42035 view(s)
8-23-24, 12:01am
What kindava car was it, Al?
181 replies | 42035 view(s)
8-21-24, 2:15pm
okay---i sent away for a cheap, used copy about John Hinckley jrs love interest, Ms Jody. It's called: Foster Child. Yup. She's an alphabet...
89 replies | 12684 view(s)
8-21-24, 1:34pm
okay---the weather. global warming, cooling--the whole ball o' wax. can't do nuthin' about it, but stay inside until the weather changes. nope.
6 replies | 417 view(s)
8-21-24, 1:29pm
By god---we needta discuss farmeen---the costa land, fuel, equipment, a decent 4 x 4, season tickicks ta the iwah/iwah state games---the whole ball...
6 replies | 417 view(s)
8-21-24, 11:40am
okay----i happened onto another video by a recording studio session musician named Leland Sklar. An electric bassist, he says his 1st real...
181 replies | 42035 view(s)
8-21-24, 11:12am
okay----tell ya what----for that kind of excitement(and a little less), i take my chair up to the intersection on the designated day and watch 'em...
39 replies | 1077 view(s)
8-20-24, 1:19pm
Okay----I'm wondering if I should go ahead and get the co.prehensive bumper to bumper power train warranty on this thing, since the oe. Warranty...
1138 replies | 153572 view(s)
8-20-24, 12:23pm
okay----i, for one, have all but given up SENSELESS driving. I'm down to under 3000 miles, per year, but i may be able to do better. but...
19 replies | 663 view(s)
8-19-24, 7:27pm
okay---i forgot to tell you kids the the us army seized somma adolphs paintings, over there in germany. evidently, they've got 'em stored under lock...
73 replies | 16752 view(s)
8-18-24, 6:57pm
okay-----i just read that last year, Mr John Hinkley jr was releasing an album of his songs, called: "Redemption". but yeah---i know you kids...
140 replies | 34381 view(s)
8-18-24, 3:14pm
okay-----napoleon: French Corsican who overthrew the monarchy, AND led an army to overrun Europe, like addolff did 140 years m/l later. So, when are...
5 replies | 1894 view(s)