To date, something like 87% of Covid vaccinations have gone to high-income countries and 0.2% to low-income countries. That's probably not surprising to very many people, but it is a pretty fair...
Type: Posts; User: Gregg
To date, something like 87% of Covid vaccinations have gone to high-income countries and 0.2% to low-income countries. That's probably not surprising to very many people, but it is a pretty fair...
Another 10% loss in the DOW today should further undermine the economy as a Trump talking point. At least you would think so given the number of boomers in my age bracket who supported him and have...
He's a pretty good self servant who, technically, is also a public servant.
Very cool video.
I'd also be interested in the well being comparison.
Some slight of hand, a little smoke and a few mirrors and *poof* (wealth transfer complete).
We made an event out of it. Our location is ~40 miles north of the exact center of the path of totality and we would have had 1 minute and 43 seconds to watch the whole thing. But if we went south...
I landed in the 56 club as well. White? Check. Male? Check. Those two alone probably dropped me to 70 no matter how I answered the rest.
Related on some level, at least...
The box obviously allows them to hand over what was picked that week and of sufficient quality. If they are planting a really diverse array of crops some less popular items might go unsold at a...
Unfortunately Deb Fischer does not.
Bread and circuses, bae? I actually made a comment during the game about our modern day gladiators. Its difficult for me to see the NFL in any other way.
On a different note, well before the...
We were watching on the net, not broadcast, so I don't know if the commercials were different, but... DW and I both had the feeling that there were a lot of commercials featuring military style...
No argument from me regarding the clickbait, fake news, gullible news environment. The accuracy of the article in the OP was less important to me than the realization that I'd let some of my...
According to the Washington Post lines of code attributed to Russian hackers was found at an electric utility in Vermont. I don't think anyone should be surprised by that as its long been speculated...
Well, if you have the assets you can just buy a new one. Right? (Oops)
I have a lot of respect for Amy Goodman and co-host Juan Gonzalez is just as good. That said, when I listen to Democracy Now (which I do at least a few times a week) I always come away with the...
I enjoyed reading your post Williamsmith. It seems we grew up in the same place at the same time, just maybe in different states.
I don't see the 'end of days' scenario unless Mr. Trump were to be RE-elected in 2020. Then all bets are off.
What a brilliant idea! Only don't put the off switch in the mods hands because then everyone would still blame the mods for all their candidates slips. Just put it on a timer. Two minutes and...
Just for the record, presidential pardons aren't really that special (unless you're getting one). Clinton pardoned Mark Rich and 455 others. Reagan was right there at 406 total. GHW Bush was...
That kind of represents one of the most infuriating developments in our politik. If you support one view its now automatically assumed you're opposed to the other. Guilty until proven innocent. I...
Its a tough thing for me to get too worked up about. When someone has been part of the system for decades and who's every word is monitored and recorded there are going to be slips. Hillary is...
I'm going to have to do some pretty thorough research before I determine whether or not I should be offended.
Understood bae. Weapons of historic significance wouldn't show up on my personal radar when addressing issues of stolen guns being used in criminal activity. My thoughts move pretty quickly past...
Actually it does exist. Jonathan Mossburg, of the gun manufacturing family, is one of the pioneers. The tech in iphone recognition is low budget, but there are far superior products already in the...