I finally got through student teaching and graduated, but it nearly killed me and I've been having a very difficult time with anxiety and depression. I ate horribly during much of this period and...
Type: Posts; User: bekkilyn
I finally got through student teaching and graduated, but it nearly killed me and I've been having a very difficult time with anxiety and depression. I ate horribly during much of this period and...
I finally digitally decluttered my desktop computer a few months ago and it took me quite a long time to get through all the files. I need to do the same with the laptop before things get too much...
I view clutter as both physical and mental (and perhaps spiritual), and while I've already dealt with most if not all of the physical clutter, I haven't been as successful with the mental clutter.
I've already done the tossing, so there's not really anything left in that regard. I also have to be careful since when I'm experiencing higher than my normal level of anxiety, I end up tossing...
If everyone wanting to vote for him would actually vote for him rather than voting establishment, or refusing to vote because "he doesn't stand a chance", then he would stand a chance. A darn good...
I have a huge love/hate relationship with being a home owner. Buying a house and paying off the mortgage in seven years was probably the best financial choice, but at the same time I often find...
I'd have a whole heck of a lot less trouble considering him as a qualified candidate if he *had* presented himself truthfully as a good, studious kid who never laid a violent hand on anyone than this...
Left corporate to go back to school for a teaching certification and am currently student teaching in high school. I'm not sure at this point if I want to go the traditional teaching route due to...
When it comes to corporate jobs, I'm much better working a more intensely-focused 4 hours a day than the typical 8 hour day that seems to last forever. I can get more done in 4 hours than I do in 8...
I'm not allergic, but I hate all of that scented garbage people wear all over themselves. It's not pleasing at all. For the girl who seems to require lotion, there are plenty of unscented varieties...
I had to start taking Vitamin D supplements after I got to a dangerous point of having no energy to do much of anything even when I actually wanted to. Found out after a blood test that I had a...
My Swatch watch.
Double this!
I'm very much a homebody and don't want to go out and about doing social things most of the time, but there are people who just can't comprehend why I'd rather stay home and read or...
I've learned to have more empathy for other people's unique conditions since I've come to accept that just because something may be very easy for me to accomplish does not mean that it is similarly...
I'd already stated in an earlier post that it seemed the SRO's response was excessive in this circumstance.
Mine is....OH YAY YAY YAY YAY YAYA IT'S *SNOWING*!!!!! Yippeeee!!! Then I'll go dancing all over the house, look out the window, put on my coat and run outside and stand in the middle of the all the...
I would suggest teaching in a high school for a week or two with only yourself in the classroom (no mentor teacher, no administrator, etc.) with all of the students and see how well it goes talking...
While I do agree that there are times when phones could be used in the classroom *for* learning, they are typically very much out of hand unless some rules concerning them are enforced. Doing...
Speak for yourself...my 80-year-old mother drives a mustang. :)
You really can't win either way. In a previous job, I would get downgraded on teamwork because I wasn't being social enough. Then when I would make more effort to be social, I would be downgraded...
I haven't read it, but I really have enjoyed the Silverberg books I have read.
I hate cooking but I love my rice cooker. Not only can I cook rice without it getting mushy, but I chop up a potato and put it in liquid in the bottom part and then put a frozen salmon or tilapia...
I sent them the taxable IRA statement from which I had drawn my income for 2015 (mostly used for school tuition) and then they approved my 2015 deductible. There are a bunch of different types of...
Ooh, I love that episode!
What's currently annoying me now is that I keep getting emails from healthcare.gov informing me that my subsidy status for 2016 may be threatened due to events in 2014. I didn't use Obamacare in 2014...