:welcome:Hi David from another newbie.
Type: Posts; User: Mentes
:welcome:Hi David from another newbie.
I've been on a declutter kick, so with the addition of more items of clothing and bits and bobs from the kitchen (chinese pottery rice spoons, where & when did i get those???:confused:) I have...
:D laughed when i read that one, might've done that myself this week (donated 2 bags and came home with a couple of items..)
I'm hopping on board, I seem to have a bit of a declutter bug going on at...
This sounds like a great personal challenge green mama, a great way of shaping/changing the way you see yourself, best of luck with it and i look forward to reading how you get on!
pony mom, I'll light a candle for your horse. Great buy on the shoes and shirt!
I've replaced 3 lights in the house with LED ones, & taken my esb reading to track my usage. Today is a spend day, my...
I'll keep my fingers crossed that the dress is still there in a week for you Aroha, sounds like a sensible buy!
Awakenedsoul homemade laundry liquid is something I keep on meaning to research, well...
Thanks Aroha
Cheers Float on, Id have to agree, I have my clothes already pared down to a minimum but I must admit books are a problem for me & 1 in 1 out is a rule that doesn't seem to apply to...
Thanks awakenedsoul, I have 2kg of veg salting at the moment, I'm on track for some picallili! I tried pink lady last year and it a lovely apple.
Hi Ishbel, the bramley is the only apple tree I...
Great to read about everyone's garden's here so I thought I'd share some of this week gardening news from my side of the pond!!
Well I went to ISSA (Irish Seed Savers Association) to order 4 bare...
:+1: Thanks all for the welcome and great to see some neighbours on here too, loving what I'm reading so far & looking forward to getting to know everyone :D
Aroha, I'd love a wee chat about the nine steps once I get my head round it, I already done a rough calculation on DH's Real working hourly rate - He's not going to be a happy chappy;)
Hello cdttm &...
Late in the month but I'd like to join:D, I'm donating a bag of clothes(23 items) kids have grown out of and I'll be clearing the hall press today (going through shoes) so who know I might catch up!
Hi everyone,
I'm a newbie, looking forward to being getting to know everyone:). I'm from Ireland and been leaning the simple and frugal way both out of necessity and choice for a number of years....