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Thread: Another Way To Be Dumb....(rant)

  1. #31
    Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by mtnlaurel View Post
    Lord, if I got upset about every person I deemed an idiot I don't think there would be enough room on the internet for me to carry on about them.

    I have somehow escaped hearing op's artist of ire.
    It sounds like he is really filling a vacuum in the music business right now... where is the soulsy, bluesy rock in mainstream music?
    I am no music aficionado but it seems like the last time Rock made a stand was with Grunge in the early nineties.
    Plenty of pop music out there, but no real Rock.
    I agree. I don't see too many blues bands now. At least not mainstream ones that have a national following (still some small bands in the south playing local venues). I often listen to "old" rock as well as newer stuff but there is more blending now so that I can't really tell what is rock and what is ...something else. The lines are blurred a bit more now.

  2. #32
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    Mainstream music in most genres is in a pretty sorry state generally. Not to say nothing new is good or anything, as some really is good, but most songs you might like at first and tire of after a few listens, it's like the cheap junk that falls apart after a few uses version of music. So blues may not be my preference as opposed to folk or country influenced rock - and anything melodic (keyboards ) but ... the fact it has a druggy sound sounds like a real plus though, that can go in a direction I really like (ahem as music, as music ...).

    I don't mind if someone wants to criticize people's choices with money as far as the social impact/externalities ("live and let die"). Like the eating tasty cows thread. But going after concerts - what are the roadies exploited or what? At a certain point it becomes like chasing a speak of dust, or just the floaters in your eye, towards the receeding horizon.

    But as it's been pointed out, the OP is a former troll from the old SLF boards who's goal isn't to have discussions about things ...
    yea pretty much. Or find new ways to get attention like the cliffhanger of who the musician is, the great suspense ... only that suspense only lasted long enough to see there's no there there.
    Trees don't grow on money

  3. #33
    Senior Member Gardenarian's Avatar
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    Packy - you shouldn't criticize people for not staying on topic when they can't figure out what the heck your topic is.

    As for the music, that's a matter of taste. I know a lot of people who spend a relative fortune to attend the opera. It's what they get out of it.

    I didn't participate in the "bitchy women" thread either, as the title got my dander up and I don't think it really conveyed what the OP intended (I did read the thread.) Part of being a member of a community like this one is cutting people slack.

    I loved the graphic Bae, very apropos - and I'm a huge Sean Bean fan (as an actor.)

  4. #34
    Actually, here is a link to this artist playing at the age of 12-- it's really a sweet story if you look at him as a child!

    Sort of like Mozart, maybe, his appeal as a child phenom?

  5. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by Packy View Post
    $200 Concert Tickets

    If I could see Neil Young and Crazy Horse, I'd pay that.

  6. #36
    Senior Member littlebittybobby's Avatar
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    okay----guess what? joseph bonamasssa is making yet another return visit to springpatch!!!! but yeah---his noisefest will be later on this year, but tickkickks are going fast. priced in the $70-170 plus fees range! isn't that WONDERFUL? ha. now, if they'd PAY me that much to go, plus free tickicks and furnished ear plugs, i might show up. ha. (see photo)

  7. #37
    Senior Member pony mom's Avatar
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    I was willing to pay that much to see Simply Red's farewell tour a few years ago. (Apparently they were saying "Farewell USA" since they're still touring but not here.) Since I only needed a ticket for myself, I managed to get one seven rows from the stage at a sold-out Radio City Music Hall. The ticket was about $160 but I would have happily paid more; definitely worth the money.

    People pay much much more than that for nosebleed seats for shows where you can't hear a thing over all the screaming. No thanks.

  8. #38
    Senior Member iris lilies's Avatar
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    Ten years later,Packy is still telling people how to spend their own money.

    If I had not had back to back lily shows in these past weeks I would have taken the train to Chicago and spent a few thousand to see The Rolling Stones at Soldier Field.

    Our niece is taking her daughter to see Taylor Swift perform in Germany. They are already nearby, in Switzerland.

    European travel is yet another thing Packy does not approve of. I would imagine this idea, Americans traveling to Europe to take in a pop concert, makes his head explode.
    Last edited by iris lilies; 7-4-24 at 10:06am.

  9. #39
    Senior Member littlebittybobby's Avatar
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    okay-----i have been going through the archives, and reading the posts of this "Packy" you are so troubled about. but yeah---"Packy" is bviously VERY brilliant and dispenses wit alsong with wisdom. Packy, like myself, does not have a "need" due to the feelings of inadequacy many people have, that causes them to expend scarce resources on being transported around & being fed and catered to, also referred to as "travel", in order to compensate. That being said, i am not a licensed psychologist, so am not allowed to diagnose anyone. that said, i am personally acquainted with a licenced psychologist, and not a week goes by that that person doesn't drive-n-eat; travel out-of-state, or buy tickicks to sit-n-watch some well-past-their-prime rock group in an auditorium. i have a theory, though, that a good many people who enter the mental health field come from a background of that type of dysfunction. anyway---i did stay home today, but after doing much research i had to travel to the nearest oreillys store and then to the third-nearest oreillys story to get some threaded brass fittings. i even got an extra set or two, because i will use them on another project, and will thus save a trip in the future. that, is what my file cabinets are for. i also put several of the kitties in the cool room, as it is hot, today. but yeah---no trips to lundumb for mee. nope. Zurra has so many interesting places to visit, anyhow. that said---the sound quality of studio-recorded music is usually MUCH better than that of that of stadium music. There are exceptions, such as bands who have not even released a record of their music, but play smaller venues, where their sound is purer. Yup. we will discuss this another time. so anyway---hope that helps you kids some.

  10. #40
    Senior Member littlebittybobby's Avatar
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    okay----i just became aware of another subject for my studies. They are right on the line between youth & middle age--40. Well, the subject is a climber as well as being a hippie. i don't think they are a native of the area; prolly a come-here from one of the blue states, trying to show us how cool they are. it works in a bank, but has extensive tattoos. yep. it frequents concerts; posted a cam-phot of your idol Carts and commented: "you should envy me!" the person has two children & is not very good-looking(nerdy), but expends a lot of effort trying to compensate. plus, expends a lot of effort(effort=resources) trying to be really cool, like wearing a rainbow dress, somewhere. it has large breasts and likes those plunging necklines. but yeah---i reckon they are augmented. they also posted another photo of a concert they were at that had an old guy who has been performing lame, annoying music since before she was even born. that said---she expressed very high praise for that musical quack. some people are just dumb. remember--you heard it from me, first. hope that helps you some. thankk mee.

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