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Thread: Another Way To Be Dumb....(rant)

  1. #51
    Senior Member littlebittybobby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rosarugosa View Post
    Wow, $10 is a really great price for a show. Did you have a good time?
    Well, $10 is a lot to waste on stuff like that, but it wasa rare occasion anyway. Not something I did(or do) on a regular basis. This one gal that was a coworker or something came up to me & started chattering away about what-everr, and I put my arm around her. But she pulled away from littlebittymee and kept right on gabbing. Ha. Later on, I went so far as to go to the pawn shop or record resale shop, and buy a tape of that group. I no doubt still have it squirreled away, here. So, if I want to hear that band, I can listen to the tape. Not gonna waste gas & wear & tear on my car or risk a confrontation downtown. Too many troublemakers, here in Sfd, Zurra. Yup. Hope that helps ya some.

  2. #52
    Senior Member littlebittybobby's Avatar
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    okay----there was a guy a few years back that inherited a going business from mommy & Daddy, and he even had his own plane! He also had about 3 kids from three different mommies, ad his new gfs a wonde-woman entrepreneur and he decided to fly them all to KC one evening to see a baseball game. Add it up. Wow. Well, on the way home, there was a storm here & he could not find the airport & he was radio-ing for heeeeelp! The plane was even equipped with a massive parachute, but it failed to deploy. But yeah---they crashed & burned in a pasture out in the country. RIP, everybody. But, the company the GF founded is still going. They were out here last year testing the water wells or traces of toxic chemicals. It said in her obit that she loved kitty-cats, too. They prolly shoulda all stayed home & ate pizza, that nite. Yup. Not worth the consequences ta see a ball game. Nope. The

  3. #53
    Senior Member littlebittybobby's Avatar
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    okay----i was just sitting here wondering if anya you kids owned your own helicopter and had a helliport on the roof of your modest 7,000 sf home to dock(land) it? Seems like that would be mighty convenient to have---just get in & go. yup.

  4. #54
    Senior Member rosarugosa's Avatar
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    No helicopter, and it's 900 SF, lol.

  5. #55
    Senior Member littlebittybobby's Avatar
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    okay------update on one of my case studies---the person who cures insanity for a living that went to Affreaka and then place-hopped on the way back. So anyway---the subject has spent(wasted) a week in paree' & visited those catacombs beneath the street to check out the millions of neatly-stacked bones down there. Also, visited the museum ta see the stupid painting "Mona Lisa, which hasn't been stolen lately. but yeah---you'd tend to think----based upon Tee-Vee stereotypes, that a dedicated professional would place a top priority upon the responsibilities in their career of healing the sick, not out lollygagging around at tourist traps. But yeah---my study subject needs some counseling, i believe. hope that helps you some.

  6. #56
    Senior Member littlebittybobby's Avatar
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    another stupid thing that the subject has done: about 4 years ago the renowned crappy saxophonist Benny G or whoever, came to town, and the subject hadta get tickicks to see Benny G, right? So anyway, she & her then-3rd husband wenta see Benny live in concert. it's not every day ya get a chance ta see Benny G, is it? Well, no more than a year later, said subject hasta take MORE time off from curing insanity for a trip ta florida, the armpit of america, and guess who she managed ta see LIVE and IN PERSON at another one a his concerts? yup--it was Benny G, all over again! just can't get enough of that benny g, i guess. but yeah--to clarify, it's the subjects 4th husband that the subject is touring with, now. they, love EXCESS luxuries, don't they? So, what's you kidses' story? Betcha can't waste time & money on stupid stuff like my case subject. Nope.

  7. #57
    Simpleton Alan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by littlebittybobby View Post
    okay------update on one of my case studies---the person who cures insanity for a living that went to Affreaka and then place-hopped on the way back. So anyway---the subject has spent(wasted) a week in paree' & visited those catacombs beneath the street to check out the millions of neatly-stacked bones down there. Also, visited the museum ta see the stupid painting "Mona Lisa, which hasn't been stolen lately.
    You should visit yourself there PacMan, there's a lot of history under those streets. We've visited Mona and her contemporaries 3 different times, you simply can't soak up the grandeur of the Louvre in a single day.

    Last edited by Alan; 8-10-24 at 10:56pm.
    "Things should be made as simple as possible, but not one bit simpler." ~ Albert Einstein

  8. #58
    Senior Member littlebittybobby's Avatar
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    okay----my resources are presently committed to freshening up the good, used motor that i pulled at the wreckin' yard for my all-purpose Chevy Van that I purchased at a sheriffs auction. The motor in the van is good, but it's a 5.0 liter, and I figured I'd just go ahead and swap it out for a 5.7 liter. See? But no, I'm not gonna go ta gay paree and eat snails and foi gras & see that stoopid museum. See? if I wanna see stupid stuff, then i'll be down at the intersection in my lawn chair, this coming saturday nite, and watch the kids tear up the streets, which is something that is Verboten in those littlebitty teeny tiny towns waaaay up north in the middle o' nowhere. Besides, I don't like sitting on an airplane all cooped up, for hours at a time. Nope. Zurra has enough freaky stuff to keep me entertained, anyway. now you know. hope that helps you some. Thankk mee.

  9. #59
    Senior Member littlebittybobby's Avatar
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    okay----this'll shock the heck outa you kids, but it should not. i went uptown to run errands, with no less than 5 stops, and one o' the stops was at an asian place that usta be a chicken place(aaaawwwkki!---it's finger lickin' good! gbawwwwwk! ha.) and i ordered 1 small plain fried rice, and one cabbage rool & a water. $4, total. Well, it was good, as always. lotta money for rice, but i needed ta save time & get home and fewed those catts. yup. another thing i do, for something to "do", is read restaurant reviews. that, is where the stoopid people really are! like--i just read one on f-book by a local couple of inbred retard white trash that believe they've done the world a favor by reproducing, and the female was griping about how "my little boy didn't like the chicken" or whatever. she was spitefully & maliciously bashing the place because she couldn't have her way, and get a meal "comped". See? idiots. build the kamps, i say.

  10. #60
    Senior Member jp1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alan View Post
    You should visit yourself there PacMan, there's a lot of history under those streets. We've visited Mona and her contemporaries 3 different times, you simply can't soak up the grandeur of the Louvre in a single day.

    No kidding. That place is MASSIVE. pro tip. If you want to see the Mona Lisa when it’s not swarmed with people taking selfies go close to closing time. Going on thanksgiving day is also a good plan.

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