DH has several markers for heart issues and the cardiologist says he should have a stress echocardiogram. We are waiting now for the predetermination from his insurance company. I've been researching about the cost and even with insurance, it can run quite a lot of money out-of-pocket - hundreds to thousands and that amount varies greatly from city to city. Apparently, one is now charged a facility fee and then there's the actual test fee and then the reading of the test so lots of expenses accrue. And many on the web who say that charges showed up that were not explained up front even when they asked for them prior. Really torn on how to proceed because I know that one test very often leads to another and so on. I am beginning to think he would be would do just as well by losing weight, exercising and eating a heart disease reversal diet (vegan) first. We are both just so distrustful of the medical machine. Any advice?