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Thread: Trivia question: does anyone recall this wine commercial?

  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    Trivia question: does anyone recall this wine commercial?

    This has been driving me nuts for the past couple of days. I've tried Google, YouTube, etc.

    In the late 1990s or possibly as late as 2000 or 2001, there was a commercial on TV for a wine. No actors appeared in the ad, making it a bit unusual. The commercial begins with a stove, upon which dinner is cooking (pots are steaming, etc.) In the background, you can hear a doorbell ring, and then the host(s) opening the door and greeting guests. If I recall correctly, the guests bring the wine that is being advertised. As I said, you never see the actors--just hear their voices. The commercial might end with a shot of the wine bottle, or it is even possible that the wine bottle is sitting next to the stove during the entire commercial.

    Does anyone remember this? And if so, what brand of wine was it? I've tried all the usual suspects (Gallo, Riunite, etc.) but nothing seems to be the one.


  2. #2
    Senior Member CathyA's Avatar
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    Can you remember if it was white or red wine, and what the bottle looked like?

  3. #3
    Senior Member CathyA's Avatar
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    Here's something else you could try.........go through your google searches again, but click on "images". You might recognize one of the pictures. The only commercials I can remember were Martini and Rossi and Asti.........but that's probably not the right alcohol.

  4. #4
    Senior Member
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    No, sorry.

  5. #5
    Senior Member
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    I tried that. Nothing clicks.

    Quote Originally Posted by CathyA View Post
    Here's something else you could try.........go through your google searches again, but click on "images". You might recognize one of the pictures. The only commercials I can remember were Martini and Rossi and Asti.........but that's probably not the right alcohol.

  6. #6
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  7. #7
    Senior Member Packy's Avatar
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    I'll bet it was MD 20-20, or Buckfast Tonic Wine.

  8. #8
    Senior Member
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    Packy, maybe it was Boone's Farm?

  9. #9
    Senior Member Packy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by domestic goddess View Post
    Packy, maybe it was Boone's Farm?
    Yeah, I second that; I think they have done some advertising at one time or the other. But, you really don't need to if you are the low price stuff--that alone will sell it. Now, another possibility is Bartles & Jaymes. They used to do a LOT of advertising; but I don't recall one like the OP described. Edited to add: I think Cathy is right on--it is an Asti Spumonti ad. They had one that was silent that showed an equestrian trials event; and some others. Just betcha that was it. Martini & Rossi. Unless--it was Two Buck Chuck from Aldi's.
    Last edited by Packy; 3-16-15 at 10:27pm.

  10. #10
    Helper Gregg's Avatar
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    Macondo (or is that my condo?)
    Don't remember that one, but this one is pretty classic...
    "Back when I was a young boy all my aunts and uncles would poke me in the ribs at weddings saying your next! Your next! They stopped doing all that crap when I started doing it to them... at funerals!"

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