This has been driving me nuts for the past couple of days. I've tried Google, YouTube, etc.
In the late 1990s or possibly as late as 2000 or 2001, there was a commercial on TV for a wine. No actors appeared in the ad, making it a bit unusual. The commercial begins with a stove, upon which dinner is cooking (pots are steaming, etc.) In the background, you can hear a doorbell ring, and then the host(s) opening the door and greeting guests. If I recall correctly, the guests bring the wine that is being advertised. As I said, you never see the actors--just hear their voices. The commercial might end with a shot of the wine bottle, or it is even possible that the wine bottle is sitting next to the stove during the entire commercial.
Does anyone remember this? And if so, what brand of wine was it? I've tried all the usual suspects (Gallo, Riunite, etc.) but nothing seems to be the one.