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Thread: Conavirus......

  1. #1
    Senior Member gimmethesimplelife's Avatar
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    How concerned are you about this virus? We've just had a case found here in Maricopa County (urban Phoenix area) from an ASU student just returned from Wuhan. What really scares me here is international travel is continuing AND the Chinese government has admitted that this virus can spread from person to person BEFORE an individual becomes symptomatic.

    Maybe it's because one of my two favorite American works of fiction is Stephen King's The Stand - a horror novel I always found somewhat believable regarding a Superflu killing off most human beings on the planet. This virus has me spooked something fierce and I'm not alone in this. SO and family are spooked regarding the potential of this virus arriving in Mexico City which has numerous shantytowns on the outskirts.....tightly packed living conditions and less than first world sanitation standards.....whatever could go wrong there, you know?

    I will be stocking up on over the counter immunity boosting herbs - it's what little I can do. Are you'all concerned? Thinking the media has overdone this? Or? Rob

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    I think we are always facing this possibility of this kind of epidemic, so I like your plan to keep yourself in the best health possible, use supplements, and use common sense.

    This is not anything new. Watch this american Experience about the 1918 influenza outbreak:

    Very interesting, and talks about why we seem to forget this event.

  3. #3
    Senior Member iris lilies's Avatar
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    The news media loves scare tactics stories. They love scaring you. Notice how you are taking up their bait “ being spooked something fierce.” Your SO and his family, also ” spooked.”

    None of us can predict the future so we can only speak in generalities which are: some people will die from this infection, Probably not many, probably not people we know, we all need to work to maintain our immune system, this too shall pass.

  4. #4
    Senior Member Rogar's Avatar
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    Every time a new viral disease appears there is some risk that it will be highly communicable, high mortality, and/or difficult to control. So far we've been able to control or confine the new ones. This is not feeling like the big one, but it's probably too early to tell and you never know. I lost several ancestral relatives in the 1918 flu pandemic.

  5. #5
    Simpleton Alan's Avatar
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    The coronavirus is the latest in a long string of bugs capable of doing serious harm to populations. The biggest threat is how mobile our society is these days with a good probability that someone infected on the other side of the world can bring it with them to a different continent in the course of a single day. Back in a simpler time we (the US) dealt with that sort of thing by setting up inspection stations such as Ellis Island where anyone visiting this country could be checked for disease before being granted entry. We don't do that anymore and heaven forbid any obviously racist, nationalistic, bitter clinging republican suggest it. That's the biggest threat we face with something like this.
    "Things should be made as simple as possible, but not one bit simpler." ~ Albert Einstein

  6. #6
    Senior Member Rogar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alan View Post
    Back in a simpler time we (the US) dealt with that sort of thing by setting up inspection stations such as Ellis Island where anyone visiting this country could be checked for disease before being granted entry. We don't do that anymore and heaven forbid any obviously racist, nationalistic, bitter clinging republican suggest it. That's the biggest threat we face with something like this.
    It's also worth mentioning Trump's budget cuts to the National Institute of Health and the CDC as a move to eliminate "government waste". Without making a study of things, they seemed large.

  7. #7
    Senior Member iris lilies's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alan View Post
    The coronavirus is the latest in a long string of bugs capable of doing serious harm to populations. The biggest threat is how mobile our society is these days with a good probability that someone infected on the other side of the world can bring it with them to a different continent in the course of a single day. Back in a simpler time we (the US) dealt with that sort of thing by setting up inspection stations such as Ellis Island where anyone visiting this country could be checked for disease before being granted entry. We don't do that anymore and heaven forbid any obviously racist, nationalistic, bitter clinging republican suggest it. That's the biggest threat we face with something like this.
    You’re such a bitter clinger.

  8. #8
    Senior Member bae's Avatar
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    I'm on the regional infectious disease control team. We transport Ebola patients and other fun things. I keep a biohazard response kit packed and ready at all time, which includes the cool suits and so on.

    We get information often a bit ahead of the media spin cycle, and it's often less-spun. The information I receive has consistently indicated the potential is much worse than most folks believe, and that the on-the-ground situation was much worse than is/was being reported. Consistently, about a day or two after each report I get, public information confirming has appeared.

    We're taking all available precautions.

    It is fascinating to watch the political posturing, media fluffery, anti-science mobs, and conspiracy nuts develop during the situation.

  9. #9
    Senior Member JaneV2.0's Avatar
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    I'm planning to continue to sequester myself at home, to avoid hugging random people, and to keep an eye on developments--in other words, business as usual.

    I hope this isn't really much of a threat.

  10. #10
    Senior Member Teacher Terry's Avatar
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    I am somewhat concerned and glad that my kids are on their way home from Thailand. People over 60 are dying the most. My other son is in Vietnam and it’s a huge crowded city and I am concerned about when it gets there.

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